
Why George W. Will Save Our Country

Good, now that I’ve gotten your attention. You know how a lot of medicine that you have to ingest tastes like shit, but if it didn’t taste that bad then it probably wouldn’t be as beneficial? Well, I think that’s Dubya. Before you burn my blog to the ground, I’ll explain.

This idea started when I glanced over the Friday cover of the New York Times, and perused an article which talked about rising energy costs. The article mentions that even though the national temperature average is still in the 80s, people nation-wide are already worried about budgeting heating costs for the winter, with prices higher than most of us have ever seen, and not estimated to drop any time soon. Common ideas were to turn the heat down, and put on a sweater, be it for a home, a school, or the workplace. But you know what, I think that’s perfect.

Let’s face it. As a nation, we’re coddled. We’ve had a good run of prosperity lately, and no matter how much people will bitch about monetary imbalance, the amount of people in “comfortable” financial situations seems to just keep growing. I know I can’t cross the street without getting bumped aside by a new SUV, a fat woman pushing 8 kids in a Wal-Mart SUPER-STROLLER ™, or some guy younger than me with leather pants and a new BMW. The thing is, our financial gain has nothing to do with us becoming smarter, stronger, or more driven than we have been in the past. On the contrary, the lazier we get the more shit seems to get handed to us. Think of the “No Child Left Behind” act. Oh, you have a LEARNING DISABILITY!? Well let us just bend over fucking backwards to make sure than when you’re 25 you can still force someone smarter and older than you to bow to your will. Because really, that’s the trademark of our society now. The more you suck, the more you can boss people around that suck less than you. I was reading movie quotes from “Stand and Deliver” the other day, and I think one applies here.

There is two kinds of racisim, Mr. Escalante. Judging a group because they are a minority, and NOT judging a group because they are a minority.

Granted, I’m not talking about race. What I’m talking about is natural intelligence and ability. Perhaps we could insert “intellectual prejudice” for “racism”, and make the quote more applicable. The point is that while it may not be right to judge a group because they are less intellectually skilled, it’s not necessarily right to NOT judge them because they are less intellectually skilled. More simply, while it may not be nice to point and laugh at the dumb kid, you should still realize that he’s the dumb kid. I’m so going to hell for that …

So to get back on track, we’re coddled and we’re letting people who don’t deserve to run our businesses run them, who don’t deserve to be our managers manage us, and who don’t deserve to friggin’ fry our “freedom fries” run the country. And for that we get to start worrying about our energy costs in August, and we deserve that.

See, Bush isn’t the problem. Yeah, I was upset when he won the first time. I was absolutely DEVESTATED when he won a second term. Whether or not he cheated is moot, the fact remains that about half the people in this country WANTED him. And that, to me, means that he is just the symptom of a much larger problem. Those people we are trying so desperately to “not leave behind”? They’re growing up, having hordes of “little miracles“, and they’re voting. They run our Wal-Marts, our McDonalds, our movie theaters and our Auto Dealerships. They sell us insurance, they buy stock in Starbucks, Microsoft, and Enron, and they run for office. And they’re part of the problem, but they’re not THE problem. THE problem, really, is that this is a self-propogating cycle. More than that, they’re gaining momentum while we’re losing it, and things seem pretty bleak. But then, like a pile of rotten refuse gleaming in the Texas sun, they offer us a solution. George W. Bush.

I’d like to side-track a little bit to offer up an oil analogy. It’s fitting, don’t you think? We’ve all seen those big oilwell contraptions, with the big hammer thing rotating around the big piston thing, mesmerizing us with its tireless tick-tock efficiency. At some point, I assume it’s before those things begin their work, men strike oil deep in the earth (sticking a giant drill deep into the ground is as close an analogy to “raping the earth” as I could ever think of), and it gushes to the surface in all its black-gold glory. Sometimes, the oil catches on fire, and you have a hole in the ground that becomes a flame-geyser. Can you say “not fun”? To put out these fires (and my point is coming up here very soon), they don’t try to lessen the flow of oil, or pour water on it, or smother it (in any conventional sense). They certainly don’t attack it with their liberal ideologies and they don’t try to plug the hole with Michael Moore (though that might be worth a shot). What they do is they set up an explosion so big around the jet of fire that it feels puny in comparisn and dies (kind of like if a guy were all full of cock and swagger, and to bring him down you send Orlando Bloom into the room). Okay, so really it’s an oxygen-deprivation thing, but the point is that to put the fire out, they make a much bigger fire, which steals the little fires oxygen, and both of them end up not being able to sustain, and die.

George W. Bush is our explosion. (Whew, took me awhile to get there. Sorry.)

We’ve got the steady flame of mediocrity burning strong in the American heart. How do we fix that? With a supernova of mediocrity that’ll steal all the oxygen from the little mediocre flame, and they’ll both burn out.

The energy thing is a start. People who are colder tend to move more. The best heat solution is body heat, and the best way to maintain body heat is to stay active. This, in turn, will start to help with our obesity problem. Also, improved bloodflow increases brain activity (though plenty of jocks have proven that this is not a solution by itself), so people might get a tiny bit smarter.

Our economy, which is not going to be able to sustain this level of prosperity indefinately with W. at the helm, will suddenly get a lot tougher. Ideally (and I can be a naive idealist at times), this will increase job competition and create a more rigid standard against incompetence. Sure, you may not get a grad student hired to cook your fries at Burger King, but in general a tougher market will mean that the lowest of the low will have to bring themselves that much higher to compete. If not … well, it’s Darwinian, and I like it. I think I already mentioned that I’m going to hell for this.

In “What is to be done?”, Nikolai Chernyshevsky wrote of an ideal society based on peasants in a social commune. In it he lauds a social commune of peasants that live in perfect peace and suffer from absolutely NO conflict or unhappiness. Other than the impracticality or such a society, it shows a prevalent underlying ideology that conflict is intrinsically “bad”, and only happiness and contentment are “good”. Dostoevsky, with great contempt, often referred to Chernyshevsky’s utopic peasants as being no better than an organ-stop. Particularly so in his “Notes from Underground”:

Besides, he will at once be transformed from a human being into an organ-stop or something of the sort; for what is a man without desires, without free will and without choice, if not a stop in an organ? What do you think? Let us reckon the chances–can such a thing happen or not?

The reason I mention this is that I feel like our society now is perilously close to an ideology where we would be better off without choice, freedom, or free will, so long as we are safe, warm, fed, and “happy”. I say “happy” when I mean content, and though I think they’re worlds apart, I’m not sure most Americans could describe the difference. I won’t get into it here why I think a “happiness”-based society is ridiculous. I think Chernyshevsky described it well enough, and in reading his description it’s fairly clear to see why it’s patently absurd.

But that’s what we’re doing. On a day to day basis in our society we are getting rid of conflict. Classes too hard for some students? Make them easier. Too hard to get a job? Hire those poor, unqualified folk. Better yet, promote them. Let them run the company. Too much trouble to be in shape? Introduce more fad diets than anyone knows what to do with and start selling salads at McDonalds. No, don’t worry about exercise. So long as we’re skinny, who cares? We don’t like to see failure. We don’t like to admit that any task is too difficult for any person. We’re all equal, right? It seems like we’d rather have those people with exceptional qualities lower their skills to a more average level (we don’t want to make anyone feel bad, right?), than try to really push those who don’t have the natural abilities. Sure, plenty of teachers work hard to do just that. I mean, we’ve all seen “Dangerous Minds”, right? At least twice as many don’t care.

I’ll bring this all around, and finish up, by saying that a slow decline into mediocrity is a subtle thing. A warping of values into something that will destroy our society can be even moreso. Dubya is as subtle as a pygmy monkey thrown at your face. And in this case, he may be just the splash of cold water we need to realize that it’s sink-or-swim time folks, and it might be better if a few of us sink.

love personal

‘Cause I don’t wanna dream alone…

So last night I met the girl of my dreams …

it’s a pity I was only dreaming.

It was incredibly vivid, and I woke up really disappointed that it hadn’t really happened. For what it’s worth, if you see her around, she was: tall, about 5’8″, I’d guess, with a medium/fit build, and shoulder-length medium-brown hair worn back in two braids. She had a kind face and a mischievous smile.

I’m such a sap sometimes.


In completely unrelated, and more disturbing news, I’m concerned about the number of people who have been finding this blog with various searches for Second Life “furry avatars”. Seriously though … ick.

Alternately, I wonder how long it will take someone to start making movies using either “Second Life” or “”. With the amount of freedom these programs offer in both character creation and movement, it’s only a matter of time …

news socialweb tech

It’s a G thing, part the second

Google has released, in beta, their IM software. It’s called “Google Talk”, and it rocks my little world. I don’t know where you can download it from, except that I can send you an invite if you like. You NEED Gmail to use Google Talk, so if you need that, let me know and I’ll send you an invite for that as well.

Cool points for Google Talk:

  • It’s connected to Gmail, so you get email notifications.
  • It’s tabbed chatting, in a cheaty sort of way. IM me and I’ll explain it. 🙂
  • It fully supports voice chatting, so talk to your friends in China for free.
  • The UI is simple, minimal, and ad-free. It reminds me a bit of ICQ, back in the old days.

    I won’t claim it doesn’t have some room for improvement (can you say “integrated google search function”?), but it rocks the hell out of everything else available, on day 1. But that’s just one man’s humble opinion. Comment me an email address, and I’ll send you an invite. Let me know if you need Gmail as well.

  • Categories

    Like photos to the tribesmen

    It’s nice having a good view, good company, good beer, and good conversation. ‘Nuff said.


    Sunset from the second story

    As the sun began to subside behind the horizon, I thought I would try out some of the manual settings on my digital camera in the low light. These two are pretty straight-forward. Some of them turned out pretty crazy. Let me just add, I love sitting out on my balcony at night and watching the stars, and the lights, and the quiet. It may, in fact, be the best thing ever. Really.

    love personal poetic

    The eaves of your indifference

    Beware the ides of eucalyptus eyes, and the crunch of hearts dropped beneath the eaves of your indifference.

    Kisses dropped on my lips by idle loves, women who would have me but would not cherish me, perhaps. I know nothing of it. Lately lying late in the arms of conversation, mild parties of wine and whimsy, poetry and flimsy excuses to brush against each and every other.

    Sleep is brief, waking early to breakfast or to go to the airport, or because the light sifting through the leaves strikes my closed lids and pries them apart, coaxing my pupils to wax like black moons as I rub lingering dreams from my lashes.

    Today, two LARGE drip coffees, before 8 am. Only three hours of sleep, and two hours of driving as I bid my friend adieu on his journey to China. My skin, like butter over too much bread, stretched taut over jittery muscles and bones infused now with the tar of too many cigarettes.

    Last night, conversation for hours with a strange girl who gazed at me while she spoke. Drinks over an open mike, and a late ride home as she and her friend sifted through books I needed rid of, as if they were the only copies ever printed. As she left the car she leaned toward me, looked at me, waited …

    … the car filled with a pregnant hesitation …

    … and then she wished me a safe drive to the airport in the morning. And then she was gone. As I drove home, I marvelled that we’re all so disparate, so unknown to each other and fascinating, though each normal in their own way, each perfect and unique and mad like Alice and her chesire cat.

    Three hours of sleep on a night following a night of three hours of sleep, and momentarily alert I notice the quiet of 3 am, that even the gulls are still. As we merge onto the freeway at 3:45, I turn to my friend, who had not slept at all, and say, “So, last night was pretty crazy, huh?”

    He looks at me, confused. “Wait, you mean tonight?” These hours of the day are ambiguous, secretive creatures, subject to miscalculations and shifts in perspective.

    As I get home, the sun has begun to diffuse its light into the fog, and the gulls are screaming.


    Fingered and Towed

    Hank eyed the lump of metal warily, as though it were prize cock, defeated but not yet dead, ready to lash out one last time before the rattle. Held together by rust, duct tape, and the sheer conviction of its own durability, the car stood stalwart, defiant; its front bumper, long since turned gray from the sun and elements, lay crooked across its face like a wry smile.

    Finally, he nodded stoically, lifted his finger to the car, cocked his thumb, and shot, a symbol that the beast, at last, was dead. The sun just began to peek its light over the distant hills as the truck roared to life and towed the old heap to its final grave.

    -Ahniwa Ferrari

    humor webcomics

    Clever little comics

    Today offers some witty and/or simply odd repartee:

    I ate a frog with a spork once.

    Like when you used to call my penis ‘the best thing since sliced beer.’

    I’ll just take this melted drive and rub it on my dick until our files grow back!

    I’ve just got a little bit of backfired plan caught in my eyes.

    Theo found a new comic yesterday, called Hous’d, which I’m gonna check out. Then maybe I’ll check out some of the other comics from this list. Because you can never have too many comics.

    news socialweb tech

    The life and times of the IM

    When you think of the instant message, generally your thoughts only go back a few years. If you’re positively archaic, like me, that may even mean ICQ. For most, it means AOL and MSN Messenger. In reality, the IM was born as long ago as 1960 with the creation of PLATO, which was funded by a shared Army-Navy-Air Force pool and housed at the University of Illinois. By 1967, it would also be funded by the NSF.

    PLATO began as an education tool, designed in a drill-based fashion that would allow students to bypass lessons they already understood. Though the first application only supported one user, and PLATO II only allowed two, by PLATO III (1966), it could support twenty. PLATO IV, in 1972, was the first to support “Term Talk”, which allowed user to share information via electronic chat. By 1975, PLATO IV served almost 150 different locations.

    A man named William Norris, CEO of CDC, became very interested in PLATO as it evolved. He thought that it would be a learning platform that could level out educational inequalities by offering higher education to people who would not otherwise be able to afford university. In 1976, CDC purchased the commercial rights to PLATO, and through aggressive advertising hoped to sell it as a universal teaching tool, more effective than a human teacher and never susceptible to sick days or strikes. Reviews in the ’80s tended to agree that while PLATO was perhaps as effective as a human teacher, it was not more effective, and at $50 per student per hour, it tended to less cost effective than a traditional classroom.

    In 1986, Norris stepped down as CEO, and the PLATO service was slowly killed off. Though designed for computer education, PLATO’s real legacy is in its online communication features. PLATO Notes was introduced in 1973 and was among the world’s first online message boards and was the direct progenitor of Lotus Notes. By 1976, PLATO had sprouted a variety of novel tools for online communication, including Personal Notes (email), Talkomatic (chat rooms), and Term-Talk (instant messaging and remote screen sharing).

    PLATO’s architecture also made it an ideal platform for online gaming. Many extremely popular games were developed on PLATO during the 1970s and 1980s, such as Empire (a massively multiplayer game based on Star Trek), Airfight (a precursor to Microsoft Flight Simulator), the original Freecell, and several “dungeons and dragons” games that presaged MUDs and MOOs as well as popular shoot-em-up games like Doom and Quake.

    Though PLATO had a loyal fan-base, the first general instant messenger introduced to the internet was ICQ, in 1996. ICQ, a play on “I Seek You” was created by Mirabilis, an Israeli start-up company based in Tel Aviv. ICQ was known for its simple UI, ease of use, file transfer capabilities, and for the “ICQ Number”. The ICQ Number is, in my opinion, the easiest way to add someone to your IM list. People would list their number on the internet, and with a simple cut&paste, you had added them to your ICQ friends list. Easy as pie. In 1998, Mirabilis and ICQ were purchased by AOL, and not too surprisingly the program quickly went to shit.

    Despite buying ICQ, AOL has its own IM program, called AIM (AOL Instant Messenger), which came out in 1997. Though this program was usable for a brief period of time, it too fell prey to the AOL curse, which is highly regarded by people who only know enough about their computers to be able to turn them on (maybe) and surf the web, but only if a searchbar is automatically included in their home page. Everyone else, with reason, hates AOL with a fiery passion. Not that I’m biased or anything. AOL may just be on to something, though, as they prepare to replace AIM with Triton. Triton highlights tabbed chatting, and is being completely rebuilt from the ground up to support VoIP technology. It is currently in beta.

    Microsoft, the big boo daddy of the computing world, hopped on board the IM wagon with MSN Messenger in 1999. When it first came out, MSN Messenger could be used on both its own network as well as the AIM network, making it a handy little chat-tool indeed. AOL, after trying for a long period of time, finally blocked MSN Messenger from using their network, isolating it to its own .NET messenger service. In their attempt to take over the world, Microsoft created a browser-based version of the Messenger client, which could be used on any computer with internet access, without having to download the program. Of course, this became a big security hole, and a big pain in the ass, and sucked in general. They also created MSN Mobile, which allowed users to send IMs via their cell phones. Welcome to the Microsoft Galaxy.

    Yahoo! also has its own IM service, which supports VoIP already, and alerts you when you have new Yahoo! email. But I don’t really care, and I’m not going to tell you about it.

    User Info:

    AIM – Active: unknown; total registered: 195 mil (Jan ’03)
    ICQ – Active: 6 mil; total registered: 140 mil (June ’03)
    MSN – Active: 100 mil; total registered: 155 mil (April ’05)

    You can see a big table comparing these services here.

    I apologize if this post was horribly boring. If you’d like to complain, IM me. I use MSN Messenger through my Hotmail account, dragon_bebop (at) hotmail (dot) com. And really, you should IM me anyway, because it would be fun to chat with some of you. Just don’t expect me to join AIM. I won’t give in to the dark side!

    cinema personal

    Like a chocolate pinot

    Last night, having decided that sometimes the courageous thing to do is to NOT call someone to go out, I stayed in, by myself, and watched a couple movies.

    I think the theme for the night would be touching, as in, both movies were very much so, even though I’d seem them both before.

    Sideways follows two men as they travel in the California wine country for a week before one of them gets married that weekend. The thing I like about the film is that neither character starts out to be particularly likable. Miles almost immediately steals money from his mom, and flashes toothy smiles between depressed sighs so often that you’re made to feel like the whole world may be bipolar and you’re just missing out. Jack, on the other hand, is more laid-back, but also more fake towards people.

    In any case, the movie moves me because by the end, I like both characters. No matter what shitty thing they’ve done, or who they’ve hurt, I’ve spent hours getting to know them, and somehow they already feel like old friends.

    Chocolat is a modern fairy tale that could be set in any age, and it’s that quality that moves me. Once again, the characters progress slowly from cold and implacable to joyful and vivant, or more simply from unlikable to likable, though this time through the exertions of the main character, who is herself something of an angel sent to show the town the way.

    In either movie, it’s the triumphs that captivate. The love for life that polks its head through, and the idea that everything rarely is perfect, but sometimes things can turn out that way.

    webcomics work

    New j-o-b, new links, new digs

    Last Thursday I went up to PT to borrow my mom’s truck, which is a ’63 GMC, and quite rocktacular. I needed said vehicle to move the whole of my possessions into a storage unit, which was accomplished with no lack of effort over the weekend. It’s strange to see all your stuff packed into an 8’x10′ room. Granted, it’s just stuff, but it’s MY stuff. And actually, I’m fairly happy to have little enough stuff, for now, to be able to stuff it into an oversized locker and forget about it.

    If only I could.

    Instead, I’ll most likely be moving all the stuff OUT of this obese pantry and into a tiny apartment sometime around the end of this week. Granted, the tiny apartment is cool, and it will be solely my own. I can’t begin to tell you how excited I am about that.

    On the flipside, between cleaning costs, carpet repair, and a general sense of “we-can-charge-you-whatever-we-want-for-anything”, our previous land rental agency, and for purposes of confidentiality I’ll hereby just refer to them as the Rants Group, has estimated we’ll owe them around $1000. After depleting the entirety of our deposit, we’ll still owe like $200. Yippee-fucking-tra-la-la.

    So we didn’t clean, and I was prepared to buckle down and pay their $15/hour cleaning costs. The woman they hire evidently takes about 8 hours to clean an entire house, which I think is perfectly reasonable. That they think they have to replace carpet on the stairs, and that they want to charge like a gazillion dollars to do so, seems more unwarranted. Bear in mind that to live in this house for a month, for three of us, was $950. So they want to charge more than a month’s rent to clean the place, which I think is more than slightly absurd.

    The man is keeping me down, man! Damn the man!

    But you know, whatever. I’ll be happy when it’s all over, and I’ll laugh about it as I sip scotch on the balcony of my new apartment, with my furniture in it, which will be clean, and watch the sun set behind the distant mountains.

    I be mad chillin’, yo.

    But anyway, I’ve been reticent about personal stuff, and y’all have missed a lot. Most importantly, I suppose, is the fact that I have a new job. Yes, that’s right, a solid year of applications enough to decimate an old-growth forest, and lots of finger-crossing, and finally a pay-off. SMU hired me for a second half-time position, which they then spliced into my current position, to create a new breed of super-position, which will allow me to take over the world. At the least, it means I’m full-time now, with good benefits, and working in one place. As for taking over the world, I’d settle for taking over the University first. If you know anyone who is cool, and would like to work at an academic institution, send them over. We hire for new positions fairly often. One day, I figure, Theo will run the business department, I’ll run the Library, and Emily will be the VPAA or something. Then we’ll mold the school to our will, and use it as our base to subvert the dominant paradigm. Join us now or we’ll throw pygmy monkeys at your head.


    As for the links:

    Tweep is what I read when I want to read Tweep. It kind of reminds me of QC, but the guy and girl actually date a bit, thus relieving some of the romantic agony in which QC excels.

    Flipside is an entertaining and original fantasy/adventure comic, with good art and some amazingly beautiful covers. Make sure you go back and read Book 0, which is the bulk of what he has published so far.

    Buy Olympia is a local business without a local outlet, but you can purchase all sorts of cool stuff from them on their website. I particularly like the “Reading is Sexy” t-shirts.

    Brennx0r is the blog of Brenna, who is cool, and lives up Seattle country, and works on library software. I met her my freshman year at Evergreen, and she takes good photos.

    Hurricane Prairie is the appropriately-named live journal of a gal named Prairie, who was my first girlfriend, like, ever. Now she lives in freakin’ Alabama, but she’s still cool. I guess. Alabama!?

    I’ve been lurking on Friendster and MySpace a little, tiny bit lately, despairing over the fact that I have so few friends, at least as far as these two services are concerned. So if you get the urge, add me. I’m listed on both with my gmail address, which is bavaenfin … you know the rest.

    Kung-Fu Hustle on DVD, August 9th.
    Sin City on DVD, August 16th.
    Layer Cake on DVD, August 23rd.

    I picked the wrong friggin’ month to spend all my money on moving…