love personal

I wish you a merry turkey.

I’m sleepy and happy today. It’s an obvious, tell-tale condition, and I guess I’m just not that good at keeping secrets. But I’ll be damned if I’m not masterful at vague insinuation. I should take up a career as an professional insinuator, confusing situations to the point of hopeless illogic. What can I say, it’s what I do.

If the sun were made of marmalade …

… I’d need a much, much bigger slice of toast.

As it is, I feel like butter spread over just enough bread.

I was forced to post or forfeit my life, so if this rambling makes no sense to you, blame it on my antagonists.

Five years ago and change –
and if you were here now …
things would not be as they are.

I wouldn’t change a thing.

I wouldn’t change us. Not a bit.

Well, maybe that time you got killed by orcs.
Sorry about that.

I bought a typewriter on ebay the other day. It’s not just any typewriter, either. It’s a Hermes 3000 and it’s going to completely change the way I type my writing. Watch out, world!

No, but I got it specifically for writing letters. There’s something about the way a letter written on a typewriter looks. It’s classy without being impersonal, eccentric without being trendy-eccentric. To be honest, there is one letter that I need to write, to release, to send out into the world. And it couldn’t be done, honestly – it couldn’t be done at all if it weren’t done on a Hermes typewriter. So, there you have it. I’m sentimental. I cry during movies, I’m moved by music, and I buy typewriters to send letters that are long overdue.

I don’t know what good may come of it. Perhaps none. It may, before it has even begin, be a futile gesture. Nonetheless, I will persist. Sentiment beats reason, everytime.

I wish you all the very best of Thanksgivings. I met a lovely girl, who charms the hell out of me. So much for being vague. 🙂

Oh, and just so the universe knows:

I make the best blackberry pie, ever. People WILL attest to this, perhaps even in writing and not at gunpoint. Just wait, I’ll post pictures as proof. My lattice-top crust is awe-inspiring!

One reply on “I wish you a merry turkey.”

i do believe i have been blessed with your blackberry pie of the luscious lattices, but it’s been a long, long time. i remember finding it scrumpscious.

wow! that’s pretty far that you’re getting a Hermes 3000. sounds cool, and i’m elated that sentiment won over reason once again. that’s one thing i love about you bro: you do the right thing. you do what your heart knows is good and alive and full of light. you’re sensative to it, it’s important to you, and you go after it. i’ve not found that in people enough over the years.

the little poem was very nice, and very uncanny for me. my memory was going deep into exactly 5 years and change ago right before i checked into bavaland. it was like i could have been writing it, except i would change a lot. and there were no orcs.

eat some stuffing for me.

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