humor internet webcomics


beeyatchCrossstitch has way too many S’s in a row. I kinda dig it. But wanna know what I really dig?

I really dig this I am 10 ninja crossstitch idea. Seriously, if someone wanted to do something like this, say for my birthday, in April, or just because it’s awesome, and I’m usually awesome, and it would therefore (usually) suit me – well, then I wouldn’t complain at all.

Also, while we’re on the subject; I know I’ve linked to it before, but it’s been awhile: Subversive Crossstitch

Go nuts.

2 replies on “Crossstitchery”

Ah hah! I was wondering what made me merit a random blogroll, and now I know! I’ll reciprocate, once I get my sidebar arranged more to my liking (maybe with some ajaxy expanding menus or the like). See, feature-obsessed ….

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