
10 Militant Groups

10 Militant Groups I’d Laugh At:

10. Militant abortionists – aka Habitat for, well, not us

9. Militant apathists – I don’t care and you don’t either!

8. Militant creationists – Deathly afraid of big bang. Prudes.

7. Militant black coffeeists – Very jittery, beware these ones.

6. Militant euro-weenies – Comment? Je comprends pas. Parlez-vous francais?

5. Militant americans – I’d laugh at them, but they’d grab one of the 57 guns they own and shoot me.

4. Militant squirrels – Crookshanx laughs at these, mostly.

3. Militant militants – see number 5

2. Militant Mac-owners – I mean … c’mon, haven’t you lost yet?

1. Militant bloggers – Sure you write everyday, and have interesting things to say, and get like 200 hits an hour … but, but … bastards.