Okay, so this is my new, all-time favorite joke: (which I stole from www.oxygen.ie –> Das Jokes — making fun of Germans!)
Two cows are in a field. Suddenly, from behind a bush, a rabbit leaps out and runs away. One cow looks round a bit, eats some grass and then wanders off.
If you can’t appreciate that, then damn you for having a sense of humor!
A message to: YOU!
You came into the house, probably at lunch …
I see you got your new Beastie Boys t-shirt(s) —
and so, in a mad bit of revelry,
ignoring your own cigarettes,
you smoked the ONE (1) !!! cigarette that I had,
which I was going to slowly savor
after a hard day of work.
GUILT!!! Rar.
In other news …
I want you to know that I’m not truly like that,
it’s just that a part of me has (had) been asleep for so long,
that it took a great deal of effort,
a shock blow trial and tribulation,
to wake it up. It’s still groggy,
this part of me, sleepy but restless,
like it knows it’s slept too long.
Don’t quit on me now.
I don’t want to hibernate anymore.
This winter, at least, is over.
I still search the house for you.