The word for the week truly must be:
I’m certainly too existential to believe
in pre-determination. Even so,
sometimes things work out in such a way that
I can’t help but feel like there is a path
laid out before me, and that my life is going
precisely according to plan.
Now, of course, if I’m going to buy into this,
the plan life is going according to is my plan,
created by an amalgamamam (woohoo, I so slaughtered that word)
of choices I’ve made, thoughts I’ve had, and
words I’ve slaughtered. Maybe not that last thing, though.
My point was (once): events are unfolding in such
a way that I feel very happy to be where I am,
when I am, and how I am. So much so that I’m even
fairly sure that not getting the Info Center job
is a predicate to my getting something so much better
and fulfilling. For instance … umm, bee-keeping.
Yeah, I wanna keep bees. I wanna keep em, so they
cannot get away. I want to tie them to elastic so that
when they go out and get pollen, they come right back.
[shameless Eddie Izzard rip-off]
All these strange, tangential ideas can be
neatly compacted into one word: