love music personal

Like string cheese with rhythm

Most mornings I feel fine, even like I
might actually be a “morning person”.
Today I feel like I was dreaming of Prometheus;
tied to a rock all night as birds ate my
precious internal organs. Okay, so my innards
feel fine; I’m just dead tired.

The girl I’d been hoping to see last night
never showed. Strike number three of the week,
and affirmation of my lesson for the week:
I’ve no control over aught but myself;
let the world do as it will and enjoy it.
And in that vein, something interesting that
did happen: I was invited to join a swing team.
Now, I’m not a bad dancer, but the people on this
team make me look like Charlie Brown trying to
kick a football; so I’m a little intimidated.
Still, this is my chance to become really, really,
really ridiculously good at dancing, and to really
devote myself to something; and with my lesson of the
week, I don’t know if I could possibly pass it up.
Alternately, it’s a good excuse to quit smoking and
start getting in shape: two things I NEED to do.

As with all things in my life right now,
I will try to keep my expectations low;
or actually, I’ll try not to have any.
But, I think this could go all the way.
You know, whatever that means.

Tonight is pay-what-you-can night at the State Theater
to see Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead. Theo and
I are gonna hop down and see what it’s all about.

Guil: (understanding) Game. (Flips a coin) The law of averages, if I have got this right, means that if six monkeys were thrown up in the air for long enough they would land on their tails about as often as they would land on their–

Ros: Heads. (He picks up the coin)

Guil: Which even at first glance does not strike one as a particularly rewarding speculation, in either sense, even without the monkeys.

Hell, in my opinion, if it involves monkeys,
it’s pure genius.
Okay, so that’s just a dumb flash game …
but this is cool.