book montreal personal

A great disturbance in the force…

… as though some fifty million voices shouted out
in terror, and suddenly, were silenced.

Disappointment’s branded into my skin,
seeps into my bones and would make me sick,
if I weren’t already. It may have been naive
(I’m known to be so), but I had a lot of hope
that this country knew better, that fear didn’t
rule us and that as a whole we were becoming a
more open and accepting society.
Sure, I set myself up for disappointment;
nothing was pointing to these things being true,
after all.

Even so, now I feel as though the country is
a stranger to me. I’m about as liberal as we come,
so how do I fit in now?

On a less grave note, events have seemingly
conspired against my participation in NaNoWriMo.
It was going to be tight on time in the first place,
but then I got sick, had job applications I needed
to fill out and books I needed to send off,
and my dad came to visit and is staying at my house.

So, unless I somehow decide to write a novel in the last
two weeks of November, I think I too might have
to concede, painful though it is. However, I’m going
to leave the “City of Familiar Light” blog up, and
hopefully will be able to chip away at it over time.
If not, well, I’ll write a novel when I’m good and ready.

Well, I’m off to explore the web, and see if I can find
any viable ways to move to Montreal.

4 replies on “A great disturbance in the force…”

montreal is fantastic. lots of bike lanes and some hills that look like mountains almost and euro-style street cafes. but the latest new yorker says that moving to canada these days isnt as glorious as days past. either way – i hear you with the disappointment. madison was a well of dispair and silence today.

it is true. it could be worse. you could live in a conservative south. i really thought we had a chance with this one. i would love to say that i can’t wait for the next go-round, so we can really make a stand, but let’s face it: i probably won’t care next time.

in the meantime, keep the faith.

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