love personal poetic work

From any piece of wood…

A whole new host of links along the right there, at the bottom, including lots of local stuff. Nothing too exciting, unless you’d like to know more about Olympia. Hey, Olympia’s a cool place, so why not!?

My lax work schedule means I have always had Fridays off, but since I’m only part-time and yesterday was a holiday, I neither worked yesterday nor got payed for pretending to work yesterday, so I get to make up the hours today. Okay, so I get off at one; it’s not as though my life’s that tough, but next week I work Monday – Saturday, and regardless of how many hours that is (not many) it’s still a pain in the ass. I’m still applying for library work, but I seem to be cursed and if nothing pans out there soon, I may end up getting a part-time service (restaurant) job to tide me over for awhile (holiday season and all). That’s it for informative; here’s something impromptu:

Brown-eyed ballerina of verbal skill,
bandies carillon in sonant flutter to
charm the sun against the window-sill
and set my heart a-stutter.

[the author makes apologies for being a sap]