I vacillated. I hedged. I spent hours in Best Buy just to leave empty-handed. I questioned what I’d really like to do in my free-time and came up with some rather inconclusive premonitions. And then I broke. I was a man on a mission. I wouldn’t be stopped. I bought Everquest 2. Weep for me.
I won’t go into it too much, except to say that it’s fun. It’s lush, enjoyable, and captivating. That (almost) every NPC has a voice makes the experience that much more involving. It’s a much different feel than Everquest, and so far, I like it entirely too much. Even so, I won’t allow my life to get sucked into another MMPORG abyss. I’d like to feel I’m beyond that now; this is simply an enjoyable distraction. Hah. I’ll put up some screenshots once I get over my initial awe and can function again.
5 replies on “EQ II: Revenge of the Evercrack”
Good luck resisting the crack.
make a euclidus, ’cause ain’t no way i’m gonna get sucked back in! euclidus should live on, but i am setting myself up with some type of pavlovian negative reinforcement. everytime i think about making my return to norrath, i hit myself over the head with a crowbar. i am a marvel of phrenology!
Et le Norrath m’a apporté l’affreux rire de l’idiot.
Haha! So was it really 18 install CDs, then? This is what the rumor mill is churning out, you know.
Its 10 CDs.
I have never felt the slightest inclination to buy EQII. However, leaped upon World of Warcraft and ravaged it savagely. It is beautifull, and I love that I can play for an hour and actually feel like I’m accomplished something. Huzzah!
Half-Life 2 is the beautiful monstrocity that has my soul in its clutches. I really wish I didn’t have to work!…ever.