The last two days have been gloomy-gloomy,
with little hints of teasing sun, poking through;
an hour here, an hour there. It’s been chilly,
but I don’t dislike it. This is weather I know.
Poking through some old Diesel Sweeties today,
I ran across this and this, which I thought cute
enough to share with you, the rest of the world.
Yes, I’m thoroughly addicted to web comics.
They’re the best thing since ralley monkeys.
If you loved the 80s, you should buy a memento.
Had I the money, I would buy about a hundred of them.
Who knew I was such an 80s dork?
3 replies on “Rainfall at a sixty degree angle”
My favorites:
You LoseHome SchooledDid you happen upon that, or did you get there through Idle Hands?
Okay, I admit it. I stole the link from you. Oh, your link is broken, btw. It tries to go to — which doesn’t work. Awesome site though. Good find.
Yeah, I know. Look at this email some jackball sent me:
“Dude, fix your links asshole.
Figure it out moron.