cinema game news

It’s news to me

  • You can’t make a bad thing good, but you can make it better.

    A full month later, and we’re just getting started on cleaning this all up. Another article I read compared the medical problems we are experiencing in these countries to ones we had during the US Civil War. Hopefully this can be improved, and fast, though I reserve my cynicism. As the article states, a disaster such as this, sudden and unpredicatable, makes us realize that it could have happened to any of us, without warning; reminding us that the Earth is not compassionate, and that we need to make the most of things now, not later.

  • Suck-assiest suicide attempt, EVER.

    How pathetic can you get? I would like to feel some compassion for the guy, but he “tried” to slash his wrists, “tried” to stab himself, and then “tried” to get hit by a train, killing ten other people and injuring hundreds. Perhaps, right along with suicide prevention hotlines, we could use a couple suicide success lines, providing helpful information about how to end your life successfully without wrecking trains in the process. Like S*P says (I tried to find the particular strip, but couldn’t), “Remember kids, it’s up the river, not across the street.”

  • Oh, those evil children and their drawings.

    Isn’t this what therapy is for? Or perhaps a sound talking to from the principal? Since when do kids get felony charges for drawing violent pictures? I bet you every kid between the ages of 8-12 has drawn something somewhat violent at some point or another. They’ve a morbid fascination with death, because in general it’s not a particularly real occurence. So yeah, explain to little Timmy and Billy why it’s wrong to draw pictures of stabbing and hanging your classmates, but don’t throw them in a federal, pound-me-in-the-ass prison.

  • The Aviator flies rings around the competition.

    Sorry, I couldn’t resist my own clever headline. Still, eleven nominations, hot damn. I guess I should go see that, and soon. I think Moore’s an idiot for taking Fahrenheit 9/11 out of the Best Documentary category to run for Best Picture. For someone who does documentarys on American society, he sure seems kind of clueless sometimes about our … tastes. I loved the movie, personally, but I was never less than absolutely sure that it would never win Best Picture. That it didn’t even get nominated is no surprise either. Besides, what’s wrong with the Best Documentary category? Perhaps Moore needs to come to terms with the fact that his movies are, in fact, documentaries (though some might argue), and that there’s no shame in that. Like he said when Bowling for Columbine won, documentarians are people that focus on the truth in fictitious times. This is important, and in my opinion, commendable, regardless of whether or not you agree with this “truth”.

  • 7% of Japanese students take video games way too seriously.

    When it comes to spiritual beliefs, I try not to be judgemental. It’s a fairly non-factual field, where what you feel is more important than what you can prove. I don’t know if I think that resurrection is likely, but I certainly think it’s possible, and as an idea, I kind of like it. Even so, I don’t think I would ever, ever equate the reasoning behind a belief in resurrection as “Well, it’s like a video game. You just hit the reset switch.” I just mean, c’mon! You’re Japan! You’ve got a gazillion years and eras of history, myth and folklore, and the best your youth can come up with as an analogy for resurrection is resetting their gamecube!? Only in Japan, I tell you.

    Read more crazy Japan stories.

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