game news school

La Métro-Politesse

We spent all day on Sunday playing a board game. And by “all day”, I mean this game takes a good 12 hours from start to finish. We’ve had multi-day games happen before, but it’s never as exciting the next day, so now we try to start early and finish fast. I always tend to be the one trying to “move things along”, for some reason. I don’t have any/much German in me, so I can’t explain this need to facilitate.

Daniel came down to visit for a couple days, and Civ is our tradition, dating all the way back to early ’99. He was in China for a year, and now lives in Austin, so it’s been awhile. It was a great time, with some good guys and lots of beer (once again, Adam brought an excellent home-brew). Daniel stayed until this morning, and he got the full flavor of an Ahniwa slice-of-life: swing dancing, and music. I wish I didn’t work so close to the line (the line of financial ruin, that is) and could have taken some time off to visit with him more. Hopefully he didn’t feel cheated, but I did warn him that my life is frantically busy. Still, it was good to see him, and he’s coming back down for another weekend soon, so perhaps we’ll be able to catch up more then.

Sprint has stolen my soul and replaced it with cancer.
That’s right, I’m now cellular.

I like the service, but the prices screw you over unless you get a two-year contract, which seems a bit long for me. And evidently, if you cancel your contract early, Sprint is entitled to your first-born child and a yearly Christmas card. They can have the damn kid (had I one), but I suck at sending Christmas cards.

The first phone I got sucked.
But I’m getting a new one.

It’s like Eddie Izzard says, when you get a new technology, you expect it to be able to do everything for you. “I got this new thing, now I’ll never have to work or do anything myself ever again!” I don’t know why, but that’s what I expected from my cell phone (I even tried to cure a leper with it). Instead, the coolest thing I’ve gotten it to do so far is play the Cure whenever one of my friends calls me (which is, in fact, pretty cool). The funny thing is, I blame my phone’s failures at performing miracles on the particular phone I had, and not the technology in general. So when I get my new phone, I’ll go through this all over again, most likely (unless it actually can cure leprosy, I’ll let you know). Even if it fails at miracles, the new phone is silver and blue instead of just silver, and it’s got the whole walkie-talkie thing going for it, and a speakerphone, so I can just set the phone down and yell at the top of my voice (because that seems like it will annoy everyone around me even more, which is my goal as a new cell-phone user seeking revenge). I’ve joined the 21st century, and lo, there was much rejoicing. Thank you, Saint Sprint.

Gamespy has a first. A decent article. But you’d know that already if you read Penny Arcade. Which you should. The game itself looks neat. The concept is ground-breaking.

Also, with EA so big in the news lately, people should take a moment and read the EA Spouse transmission. I don’t know if such a thing is possible any longer in our EA-infested world, but I’m strongly considering boycotting them. This is old news, evidently, but it’s the first time I’d ever seen it. So I put here on the off-chance it’s the first time you’d ever seen it too.

Other news: McGill Application – Finished, Sent.
Yelm Job: I declined the interview. It was too far away.
Likeliness that I’ll still be in Oly this fall: 95%.

If you live in Washington, I hope you’re living through our pollen plague. Flowers are sure rude bastards. You don’t see me throwing my male gametes all over the place, do you? Do you!? No, and you don’t want to either. In honor of these plants being assholes, I’ve butchered the “Roses are red…” poem in a new and fun way.

Roses are red,
violets are blue,
keep your seeds to yourself,
I don’t gamete on you!

Yes, “gamete” is now a verb. Use freely.


4 replies on “La Métro-Politesse”

My boyfriend has a passion for lengthy board games. He has quite a collection. I believe he has a six person Twighlight Imperium 3rd ed. scheduled for tonight. I’m not so much of a fan, myself, but I do like the ‘A Game of Thrones’ board game.

I didn’t feel slighted in the slightest. had a great time. i’m always happy to be around friends when they’re just starting relationships and everything is fresh and new. hopefully you guys will be together indefinitely and i’ll feel i know her some when i’m far away in distant lands.

plus, the more things change in your life as we continue to be friends over the years, the more it feels like we’re really “old friends” because i can reflect on all the things that have changed since we met. and much has. thankfully, not all.

oh and..
my friend Lex just got back from Korea. over there their cell phones really can do everything. check this out. in Korea, you’re on the bus going home or something. you can actually call your heater at home and adjust the temperature. then you can call your bathtub and turn the water on to a certain pressure and temperature. you can call your lights and turn certain ones on. i bet you could even call your TV and program it to record something. and so on.

so the Korean’s are definitely on the cutting edge. apparently, however, they forgot how to not be miserable. considering their history, that may have happened a long time ago.

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