
Brief Flights

What brief flights are these that men have made,
assailing dreams and stars with their effusions,
unconscious that beneath their hopes are laid
their fears, their doubts, and all of their confusions.

10.29.2005 Ahniwa Ferrari

love personal

Do you have anything to declare?

Yesterday, I was struck with the realization that at some point I began to apologize for myself. It’s not that I wasn’t happy with who I was, but that I became afraid, I think, of what other people would think of me. It’s strange to have these realizations about yourself, that you might have been doing this for so long and not even been aware of it. I think that my tendancy is to try and adapt to situations, and I don’t always know if that is the best course of action. And perhaps there are situations where it is almost never the correct course of action. I’m speaking of relationships.

I’m fairly sure, and I say this without any blame, that I really started this practice in earnest during my relationship with Emily. I’m equally sure that I had this tendancy long beforehand, pretty much as far back as I’ve been dating. And it sucks. The truth is, nobody is going to like everything about me. I’m a heap of jumbled wires, a mass of contradictions, a logician and a dreamer rolled in nori and rice with a large dose of wasabi. The thing is, that’s fine. Without sounding arrogant, I like me. And that’s more important to me than if you like me, or anyone else likes me, or anyone at all likes me, honestly.

I don’t remember becoming so concerned about popular opinion. I’m unsure when it happened. I suspect it rolled out of a sense of self-consciousness brought about by home-schooling and a constant feeling of being different. And not really different in a “you’re unique, a beautiful flower with its own, joyous blossom”. More like a “well you’re a weird one, aincha?” sort of unique. I guess the weird part is that I was never very conscious of it. How the heck did that happen?

The goal, now, is to embrace my multitudes, I suppose. I’m a gamer-geek. I do, really, like to play video games. Sometimes for hours, and even days, on end. I’m a grammar nerd, and I’ll hesitiate for long minutes over a comma; sometimes I’ll haphazardly throw in a semicolon for the sheer sense of danger it gives me. I’m a cinephile and a romantic; a caustic cynic who is endlessly acerbic to his friends and who would do anything for them without them even having to ask. I will never ask for reciprocation. The thing is in the doing. I will not ask for permission to be myself, or hesitate away from my own honest opinion. Emile Zola said, “I am here to live out loud.” And I am. I don’t like television, and I don’t like ignorant people. Still, I’m endlessly forgiving, and I don’t think I’ll give that up. I have a gaggle of interests, and you don’t have to like all of them. They aren’t all very exciting. Vocally, I don’t always tell stories very well. That bit I’m working on. I’m listening to comedy so I can learn how to tell a joke, and I think it’s working. I will work each day to become something new. Something better. Life is just a process of clearing away all the clutter and grime we attach to ourselves, to rediscover that shiny core underneath.

I have my faults, too, but I’ll take them. Who knows, maybe one day, I’ll find someone else who can take them too.

humor webcomics

Pirates will win, every time.

A thing of unadulterated beauty.

personal webcomics

Three for three

So far, our comic is three for three. Which means, of the three days we’ve said we’d update, we have! We’re so cool! Heh, I’m a little excited. We will continue to update on a regular basis, so you should totally check it out on a regular basis, because that’s how we’ll be updating. Ya dig?

In other news, I put a dropdown of library blogs over on the sidebar. If you’re interested in libraries, at all, then you should check some of them out. If you’re interested in me at all, then you might check them out too, because that’s the stuff I’m going to be doing one day. Maybe even soon. I’d like to start a library blog.

I’m leaving for Washington DC on Wednesday evening; red-eye flight arriving at like 8 am on Thursday, and then straight to Arlington Cemetary. Hopefully I can sleep on the plane. I’ll be back Sunday, so take care of yourselves until then. Perhaps I’ll find a library, and get some web time for a quick update while I’m there.

I went to an amazing blues party on Saturday. It started at 10 pm, I showed up around midnight, and went past 5 am. I left around 5. But I’m outta here for now, so I’ll have to post more on that later.


love personal

As if the things that irritate us lasted.

Keep in mind how fast things pass by and are gone — those that are now, and those to come.

I horde things. I pack them away in boxes, store them in attics, hide them under beds, and treasure them in my heart. I’m an afficianado of personal memorabilia. I must have the best, for only the best will do. Among the treasures most valuable to me are the many letters I have kept over the years: postcards, holiday greetings, announcements, letters of love, and letters of brokenheartedness. Being that we now live in a digital age, on top of my collection of letters, I’ve horded away a much larger collection of emails. Since Hotmail archiving sucks, and used to suck much more, and it’s the email client that I used, this unfortunately only goes back to around June of 2001. Even so, I printed out most of the important emails from before that, and put them with the letters.

Every once in awhile, and fairly often when I’m feeling introspective, I’ll shuffle through these artifacts and try to repiece the memories of past loves, triumphs, and failures. I have every written correspondence between Margaret and I (the printed emails) from India to France. I have Prairie’s letters of the Summer of 1995, from Colville to Port Townsend. Perhaps most poignant of all, I have the letters that Amanda Stevenson wrote me as she was bouncing around the country looking at colleges. She wrote letters that were works of art, and if I were to publish an autobiography I would include them solely on the merit of literary perfection. Her last letter, hurt and angry and confused (and rightly so, unfortunately), contained a sticker sheet of gold stars (“for my achievements”) and a condemnation so pure and powerful that it actually changed my life. Almost exactly six years later, and I still feel my stomach churn when I think of how I acted then. I’m slightly comforted in the fact that though I absolutely acted stupidly, I never acted maliciously.

Existence flows past us like a river: the “what” is in constant flux, the “why” has a thousand variations.

Sometimes I pore over the emails between Emily and I, trying to find the crisis point; trying to recreate an entire relationship through the brief thoughts we would send each other day after day. I don’t do this with regret, though nor can I claim that I examine them with any sort of detatched intellectual curiosity. All of it, in the end, is in the hope of personal salvation; the idea that if I put my failures under the microscope, I will be able to see how they came to be, avoid the same mistakes in the future. And even here while I call these moments “failures”, like some mad scientist trying to create life, the word feels false. Perhaps they weren’t my best moments, and they certainly aren’t my happiest memories, but who is to say that the end of a relationship might not be a triumph? Certainly, leaving Ohio was one of the best things I ever did, which isn’t to say that moving there was bad, but that enough was enough. I don’t know if I could have lasted another year there, sane.

Nothing is stable, not even what’s right here. The infinity of past and future gapes before us — a chasm whose depths we cannot see.

The past is a blur filled with brief moments of stark clarity: that night by the river with Prairie and Cree; waterfights in the summer in front of Jamie’s grandparent’s house; Monday, 1st period, getting pulled out of Biology class by Sara completely unaware that the world was about to give me the first of many lessons in “fuck you”; sitting on Kas’s roof singing “semi-charmed life”, and the walk that followed; the night, too nervous to sit, when Amanda and I listened to bull frogs and counted shooting stars; all of the various dances Margaret and I went to, and many of the nights of tears that I tried so hard to understand; the day Emily drove away in the back seat of a rented car; our early, failed games of chess, and the day I drove away and felt more liberated than bereaved. Perhaps, as a whole, I’ll never understand my past. I’d settle for understanding those few moments that seemed so lucid that they couldn’t have happened any other way. I’d settle for really, truly understanding any one of them. And it’s terrifying and exciting to think of a future as full of these moments as the last ten years have been. Will time slow down as the years go by? Will those clear moments of the past fade away as the new ones occur less and less frequently, until finally I look back on my life and see only a blur of faces and events, none distinct from the others?

So it would take an idiot to feel self-importance or distress Or any indignation, either. As if the things that irritate us lasted.

Honestly, I don’t worry much about the future. I tend to think a lot about the past, though, trying to find answers and insights into who I am. The problem with looking into myself in this way is that I don’t know if I looking at who I am or who I was, or where the two might merge. Every once in awhile, though, these musings lead to a cathartic sort of revelation, sometimes loud and sometimes subtle, that takes a strange weight off my mind, and for a moment makes my heart feel whole. And for these moments, it’s all worth it. Because the things that irritate us don’t last, but those few, clear glimpses of beauty in this world, those last forever.

Keep in mind how fast things pass by and are gone — those that are now, and those to come. Existence flows past us like a river: the “what” is in constant flux, the “why” has a thousand variations. Nothing is stable, not even what’s right here. The infinity of past and future gapes before us — a chasm whose depths we cannot see.

So it would take an idiot to feel self-importance or distress or any indignation, either. As if the things that irritate us lasted.

-Marcus Aurelius


Life, stripped.

I’ve been busting my tailfeathers lately on a new project, which is turning out pretty well so far, all things considered. Theo and I are making a serious attempt at a three-day-a-week webcomic. Perhaps you remember “La Casa Comics” from back in the day, when we had it hosted on Zhonka. This is similar, but oh so much better. First off, we’re running it off blogger, but trying to make it look like it’s not being run off blogger. As lead web mechanic of this endeavor, I don’t know how well that turned out, yet, but I think it looks pretty good. It’s a work-in-progress, and rest assured, it will be tweaked, continuously, until it looks the way I want it to look; and I have some fabulous ideas. For now, it’s simple and functional, and it doesn’t look half bad. I’ve been learning a lot of css as I go, the last couple days. Now when I dream, I try to set the max-width so I don’t miss anything, but get frustrated when my dreams switch to an IE interface and max-width isn’t supported.

Read the comic and enjoy. It WILL be updated every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. We may also update on Sunday. I hope you become a regular, and please leave us some comments and let us know what you think about the comic, or any particular strip. We would like to do this, and we would like to do it right.

Without further ado: La Casa Comics.

humor personal

A Noodley Testimonial

Subject: To all the “Heathens” I love so well
Sent: Wed, 12 Oct 2005 14:03:01 -0700 (PDT)


I’m sure that many of you have already felt the all-encompassing love of Our Noodley Lord, but I wanted to take a moment…to give testimony.

I was 29 when I felt the first stirrings of the FSM at work in me. Brother O’Donnell had passed along Our Lord’s message of hope and healing, but at first I turned away from the light of His Starchy Magnificence. No doubt it was the stony hand of the No-Carb lifestyle that still clutched at my breast, weighing down my soul, as the paperweight doth weigh down important documents, such as receipts and power bills and pornography. But no sooner did I look upon the tangled wonder that is His Noodleness than the scales fell from my eyes! Yea, though I walked through the Valley of the Shadow of High Protein Diets, I would certainly fear no empty calories. No longer, friends! I have felt the Touch of His Noodly Appendage, and smelled the smell of his Refreshing, Tomato-Based, Sauce-like Covering. Surely, it is the smell of Salvation.

Please, friends. Follow me along the path. Your first step begins here:
May you all find the peace that I did. And perhaps buy a t-shirt.

Cheers, Sister Rachel, O.F.S.M.S.M (Order of the Flying Spaghetti Monster Sisters of Mercy)

PS – Thanks again to Brother O’Donnell for showing me the way to the light.

humor music

Bananaphone Monday!

That’s right kids, it’s Bananaphone Monday! Chock full of scrumptious links for your viewing enjoyment, high in potassium and zaniness!

First up to bat: Bananaphone gets a South Park remix.

Next up, we fly back to the 60s for a little spoken word.

Sad, really. Follow that with my favorite of the “bunch”. A sadistic, bananaphone flash movie!

May cause seizures.

Badger Badger Badger, Bananaphone!

I really don’t understand. I really don’t.

A brief respite from Bananaphone. But don’t say I didn’t warn you.

And here is some llamaness.


humor work

In which Ahniwa does not reveal his secret plans.

I look forward to explaining this to my own children one day. Or perhaps to my cats. Or plants. Or just to the wall. I have commitment issues.

So today has started off well. So far, all before lunch, I have:

  • Applied WD-40 to the wheels of library carts, thus streamlining them for the new millenium. Of course, I had to ride each one down the hill behind the library to make sure the annoying squeaks and squeals were “completely gone”. Aside from one of the wheels flying off, hurtling me to my doom, it went pretty well.
  • Pointed one “community” member in the direction of the public library because, “Hell no you can’t use our computers for your nefarious deeds, you freeloading smu-dent hating … freeloader.” Boy, I told them.
  • Located with celeritous alacrity three(3!) literature reviews on aids stigmas for one(1!) very cute smu-dent. I know I make it sound easy, but give it a shot. That’s what I thought.
  • Talked down a student who was in a frantic state over her network account:

    Me: “Calm down, it’s going to be okay. We can reset your password.”
    Stu: “It’s not even worth it. You know what? I just can’t … I just … it’s not even worth it. I don’t care anymore, anyway. I mean … I just. I have to go, I have to go now.”
    Me: “Look, look at me. It’s all right. I’m here with you, we’ll get through this together. Your account was locked out, but look, I unlocked it for you. See, all better. Now, all you have to do is enter a new password, here and here. It’ll be all right.”
    Student begins typing in a new password
    Me: “It has to be between six and fourteen characters, and it can’t be the same as any of your previous five passwords.”
    Stu: “What!? What!!! Oh my god, oh my fucking god, I can’t deal with this. This is just … oh god! How many? Okay, what? Six … fourt … ummm, I can’t, wait … no, okay.”
    Student enters in the word “god”. It doesn’t work.
    Me: “No, look, it has to be between six and fourteen-”
    Stu: “Fuck you! You know what, fuck you! I don’t need this! You’re supposed to HELP me! Fuck … you know what, just fuck you!”
    Student killed me with a computer monitor and stormed out, crying.
    So okay, I guess that didn’t go so well.

  • Frolicked. After which I lifted a building. You know, just for fun.
  • After lunch. Well, I have big plans for after lunch.

    Secret plans …

    poetic work

    for the M. L. E.

    It’s a daytime stress case,
    dialing for rebates,
    trying to find the line between the bars
    and in the suitcase.
    A workplace gossip mop-up,
    clean the shit out and let’s stop it,
    talk up the values they deny you,
    because only you supply you,
    and they should watch it if they try you:
    you’ve got the HADOKEN like Ryu.

    Take it away, take it away.
    We never had it anyway.

    There’s no time to lose,
    you’ve paid your dues,
    they’ve taken their toll and now you’ve got to choose;
    ’cause life’s not a balance of the good and bad,
    and if you let them sell you then you’ve been had,
    if you can’t get even, then just get glad,
    ’cause life’s too short to just stay mad.

    Take it away, take it away.
    We never had it anyway.

    It’s not a story with a happy ending,
    because nothing ends while we’re still sending;
    so take this bit of advice I’m lending,
    you’ll never stand straight if you keep on bending.
    So stand up straight and stand up right,
    and rage against the dying light;
    you know you got skills straight out of sight,
    why keep them caged until the night?

    Take it away, take it away.
    We never had it anyway.

    Take it away, take it away.
    We didn’t want it anyway.

    humor personal

    Raffi will lead the way

    In the mornings, we ramble:

    Ahniwa: oh my …

    Theo: it’s gonna be crazy

    Ahniwa: definately crazy, like vinyl sunglasses crazy

    Theo: alligator mini-skirt crazy

    Ahniwa: giraffe-print pajamas

    Theo: like these:
    in a one-size-fits-all kinda way

    Ahniwa: something like that
    i didn’t realize it was so hard to find a decent pair of giraffe pajamas on the internets

    Theo: yeah, that was my problem.
    I’m genuinely concerned at the complete lack of pics of giraffes IN pajamas.

    Ahniwa: yes, absolutely

    Theo: I like Mcsweeny’s today

    Ahniwa: this is cute though:

    Theo: awww!

    Ahniwa: oooh, kona coffee flavored cigars

    Theo: where?


    Theo: Utah: The State Version of a Polite Nod in the Office Hallway

    Ahniwa: heh

    Theo: nice storefront

    bartender: what can i get ya?
    you: a fucking monkey

    Theo: that sounds sooo good…

    Ahniwa: they have a whole list of monkey drinks on the sidebar

    Theo: damn…

    Ahniwa: and a drink called no fucking idea

    Theo: haha

    Ahniwa: i wonder how long it would take to explain that to the bartender

    Theo: what do you want? No fucking idea

    Ahniwa: yeah

    Theo: Wholly crap. That would make me shit my pants
    that’s what I need. An absinthe frappe.

    Ahniwa: i’m sure you can get one at starbucks!

    Theo: only a matter of time.
    Whenever people complain about the state of society here, I’m going to point out that you still can’t get an absinthe frappe at Starbucks. That’ll show ’em.

    Ahniwa: won’t you be proving their complaints valid?
    i just want a coffee-flavored monkey

    Theo: Oh…I was imagining their complaint would be that there’s TOO MUCH debauchery. But yeah, I see what you mean.
    The temptation to eat him with a light cream sauce would be wayyyy too high forme.
    for me..even

    Ahniwa: there is far too little debauchery in our country
    too much coitus, too little debauchery

    Theo: damn skippy! Personalized martini glasses

    Ahniwa: it’s a clumsy battlecry: “less coitus, more debauchery”

    Theo: it sounds too titillating. Although that’s probably the proper effect

    Ahniwa: maybe we should just stick with “ring, ring, ring, BANANARCHY!”
    because i think that really sums it up well

    Theo: much better. I would totally participate in a raffi-led revolution.
    The Algonquin Hotel in New York offers a Martini that costs $10,000. Why? Because the main ingredient is a diamond. No one has ever ordered it and you must order it 3 days in advance.

    Ahniwa: dude, i would so do that if i was a bagajillionaire

    Theo: when we get there, we should go order that drink
    I just like the name

    personal poetic

    For sale: baby shoes, never used.

    Confused dreams about eyelashes left me too addled to effectively manage my alarm this morning. Hitting “snooze” every nine minutes became a riddle I continuously failed for minutes at a time. Eventually, my fingers would accidently fall against the appropriate button, allowing me some brief reprieve, where I fell back into a Cocteauian montage of sphinx and self-betrayal.

    To say that I finally awoke refreshed would be a gross exaggeration. Too many cigarettes and my mouth tastes like tar in the morning, though I persist in this slow suicide, like so many millions of others. Peer pressure is one thing. It’s blunt and tactless: “Be cool, smoke.” Peer reassurance, on the other hand; knowing that if I have a weakness then it’s one shared by multitudes. That’s my downfall, my death, and perhaps the explanation of the self-betrayal in my dreams.

    More likely, it was the General Tsao’s chicken I finished off just before I went to bed. I still don’t get the eyelashes thing though.

    cinema personal

    Serenity N… last night!

    The chain of events that lead me to watch Serenity on opening night is long, but not overly complicated.

    Somewhere along his path in life, Tim Bard watched an episode of Buffy and liked it. He’s not a fanboy, but he’s close. Okay, he might be a fanboy.

    Tim and Theo became friends.

    Ohio struck my as a crappy place to be (almost simultaneous with Theo moving back from France and Tim needing a place NOT with an ex):

    “Hey Theo, need a roommate?”

    The house called “La Casa” was formed. Hilarity ensued. Well, hilarity in a very non-productive sort of way. And drinking, and darts. Lots of ensuing ensued, quite.

    Tim makes me watch BtVS a la “A Clockwork Orange”. My droogs beat me up by the river. Firefly comes out on DVD. Tim buys. I am once more chained to a chair with my eyelids forced open.

    Tim moves to Vermont. As he is stepping through the threshold, he asks me to make a solemn vow that I will watch Serenity. I might have nodded. The sun was in my eyes.

    Serenity comes out in the theater. I watch it, opening night. Other than the near fatal dose of American Consumerism Humanity, it was an enjoyable experience.

    And by enjoyable, I mean totally sweet. I’ll do an actual review later.