humor internet

A tribute to monkeys, eating.

As opposed to being eaten, and to appease Sister Amos, who worries of such occurrences in an obsessive manner.

First off, I found this site. This site is ridiculously awesome. Sure, it’s crass, but so are monkeys. Some gems:

Meteorologists here have forecast a drop in temperatures
after days of severe heat which forced officials to convert local citizens
into ice-cream bars killing dozens of people in the past week.

A Chinese safari park has dyed the fur of its monkeys black, yellow and
white to ring in the Lunar New Year of the Monkey, which started on Thursday.

“We had to anaesthetise them first,” said a worker at the Forest Safari
Park in the city of Shenyang. “That was really hillaroius, we got drunk
and used their unconcious bodies as puppets”.

The Rhinos wouldn’t normally eat meat but they are stupid and
easily tricked.

And with pictures like this, this, and this, you know you’re getting your mon(k)ey’s worth.

I voted for the Monkey King. Twice.

That is all.

love personal

In the arms of winter’s debauchery

Perhaps today is the day I finally break my brain trying to think up something topical and interesting to blog about. Perhaps my brain will actually fry, or implode, or create a small but powerful black hole into which all the world’s matter will be sucked. I suppose I could just talk about crocodiles, and their factual or fictual tendancy to eat monkeys. I could even talk about gavials a bit, and try to reason out why our illustrious Archcroc V dislikes them so. Like a coward, I’m sure I could go on for at least two more paragraphs, in a mildly amusing fashion, about not knowing what to blog about. I’ve always enjoyed the irony in that, simple though it is, and if you go back through my archives you’ll notice that I’ve done it at least three or four times. Nothing like beating a joke to death until it’s just … not … funny … anymore.

In the end, and since I have to finish this up in the next five minutes or so, I think I’ll keep this factual and sentimental.

Yesterday I was sick and I called in to work. Then it snowed. So I got a snow-day, with hot cocoa. How fucking rocking is that! Right? Then I got to have coffee and lunch with my sister, who just moved back to Washington. Then I cleaned my apartment, watched a movie, and got my cuddle on.

I’m a snuggler, big-time. It’s ridiculous. This last week I’ve been very happy to have someone, who I think is pretty damned awesome, to snuggle with. And on a snow-day … well you just can’t get more ideal than that.

I wish you all the warmest and happiest moments of snuggle, as this cold weather heightens and persists. Our snow didn’t stick, ’tis sad, but we’ll surely get more as winter sheds its timidity and advances upon us with a libertine smile on its lips.

photo poetic

Hermes and the sunset.

The wind bites at the heels of clouds as they gracefully crest the distant rolling green. Behind the trees the sky blushes, turning the clouds to fire.

I think of the snow this morning, large, white, damp flakes that coated the world so briefly before melting. Inside and warm, Hermes and I dance to the steady beat of wordplay.

cinema webcomics

While we’re on the subject of pie …

I’d like you to take a moment and look at this google image search of “blackberry pie”. Notice something? Not a single one of them look half as good as my pies. Some of them even tried to do a lattice crust, and the results were, frankly, rather sad. Amy says “pie duel!”, to which I respond, “It’s so on, dude!”

I am ten pie-ninjas.

Amy knows my super secret, (I’m too cool for surfer chicks) so it might be a close battle.

This week I’m ordering a digital projector to go with the home theater surround system that I bought yesterday. Once assembled, this set-up will shake worlds, decimate the minds of children, and annoy neighbors. And I’m so absolutely excited. Wanna come over and watch a movie?


The Life of Pie

I don’t cook often, and that may be for the best. I’m not a bad cook, I’m just unmotivated. Besides, my talent has always lied more with baking. I believe I may have mentioned, previously, that not only did I make the BEST PIES IN THE UNIVERSE, but also that I had photographic proof. Well, behold! These were made from scratch, in case you had any doubt. And they taste divine.

Three cheers for blackberry pie goodness!

I hope you all had equally yummy treats over the holiday. 🙂

humor poetic

From the mind that brought you the Edunatrix…

I’ve officially dubbed today “Typography Monday”. What does this mean? A couple things. For one, it means I named the theme of the day before Theo, and that’s a first. Second, it means that Theo is much zanier than I, but I outgeek him at a ratio of 3.7 to 1. So, yeah … typography.

It all started when Theo mentioned that I should get a printing press. Since I have a small apartment, I would have to keep it in the kitchen, which would mean no more eating. Ever. I countered with a cunning business plan, which I have named:

Font-Face Sandwiches. Open-Font Sandwiches?

Who knows, the point is, it’s totally brilliant. Just think, an “amper-sandwich” with cheddar, mustard and tomato. Ellepsis eats for the hunger that never … really … ends ….

Ampersandwich! Hahahahahah!!!

And not just sandwiches, either. How about:

Garamond Gazpacho

Lucida Lentils

Spaghetti Sans Serif

I could go on, and on, and on. Really, you’d be amazed and worried about just how ongoing I could go.

Hamburger Helvetica

Courier Croissants

Arial Angel Hair al Dente

Okay, that one is just dumb. But you get the picture. I’m taking a half day today. Think I’ll go have lunch … like an ampersandwich! The only food that practically asks you to add a side-dish!

art poetic

Typo Graphics

wtfIf you read Kottke, and you should, you saw this link already. I’m a burgeoning typography geek (or at least I’d like to be), and thought this was absolutely fantastic.

You can check out the forum I stole this from, here.

love personal

I wish you a merry turkey.

I’m sleepy and happy today. It’s an obvious, tell-tale condition, and I guess I’m just not that good at keeping secrets. But I’ll be damned if I’m not masterful at vague insinuation. I should take up a career as an professional insinuator, confusing situations to the point of hopeless illogic. What can I say, it’s what I do.

If the sun were made of marmalade …

… I’d need a much, much bigger slice of toast.

As it is, I feel like butter spread over just enough bread.

I was forced to post or forfeit my life, so if this rambling makes no sense to you, blame it on my antagonists.

Five years ago and change –
and if you were here now …
things would not be as they are.

I wouldn’t change a thing.

I wouldn’t change us. Not a bit.

Well, maybe that time you got killed by orcs.
Sorry about that.

I bought a typewriter on ebay the other day. It’s not just any typewriter, either. It’s a Hermes 3000 and it’s going to completely change the way I type my writing. Watch out, world!

No, but I got it specifically for writing letters. There’s something about the way a letter written on a typewriter looks. It’s classy without being impersonal, eccentric without being trendy-eccentric. To be honest, there is one letter that I need to write, to release, to send out into the world. And it couldn’t be done, honestly – it couldn’t be done at all if it weren’t done on a Hermes typewriter. So, there you have it. I’m sentimental. I cry during movies, I’m moved by music, and I buy typewriters to send letters that are long overdue.

I don’t know what good may come of it. Perhaps none. It may, before it has even begin, be a futile gesture. Nonetheless, I will persist. Sentiment beats reason, everytime.

I wish you all the very best of Thanksgivings. I met a lovely girl, who charms the hell out of me. So much for being vague. 🙂

Oh, and just so the universe knows:

I make the best blackberry pie, ever. People WILL attest to this, perhaps even in writing and not at gunpoint. Just wait, I’ll post pictures as proof. My lattice-top crust is awe-inspiring!


Standardize this!

This may be cheating, but not everyone who reads the comic reads my blog, so I feel justified in a double post. Besides, it’s free advertisement. I originally wrote this post here, following an awesome comic strip introducing the word “edu-natrix” into the American lexicon. Which just goes to show that if you aren’t reading La Casa Comics, you should be.

Education is one of those wacky things. It is, in my opinion, one of the most valuable resources available to anybody, no matter their interests or their professions. Education is a tool for personal and professional growth, a weapon against ignorance and oppression, and it makes its own sauce. And in the United States, at least, it’s becoming more and more of a joke.

While the “No Child Left Behind” act makes such claims as, “Every child can learn. Every child must learn. And thanks to NCLB, every child will learn.”, Kansas has gone off the deep end and made “intelligent design” a mandatory part of the science curriculum.

The good old NCLB goes on to say:

Fortunately, there are schools and reform leaders across our Nation who have shown how quickly effective leadership can transform student achievement and how swiftly success can sweep through a school. With a dedicated focus on accountability and achievement, any school that needs improvement can create a new culture of learning and excellence. The good news is that we know much more about what works: scientifically proven methods; aligned standards, assessments, and instruction; school and district leadership focused on student learning; accountability for results; and highly qualified teachers will improve achievement and bring success. Admittedly, our Nation’s commitment — to teach every child — is ambitious. But we have the tools and we have the know-how. Working together, we can ensure that all students succeed and that the achievement gap is closed, once and for all.

And in the meantime we cut educational funding, screw over schools and libraries, and pump money into weapons, oil, and wars. And as China teaches us, cutting educational funding gets students run over by big trucks. Come on America, we don’t want our students to be killed in traffic, do we!?

I could probably spend about 10 hours writing out this post, but I don’t want to, and I don’t think anyone would read it if I did. So I’ll try to wrap things up. The tricky thing about education is that if you don’t have one, you don’t realize what a valuable thing it is that you’re missing. It’s like if you’ve never read Kant, you don’t realize how dull and brain-melting the process is. And you won’t get it when people make offhand references, as I just did. You are missing out, truly.

Parents need to read to their kids. Education starts at home. Teachers need to get excited about getting kids to learn. I had an alternative style of education, in which I was taught the value of learning, and after that pretty much given the option of how often and where I wanted to go to school. As a result, I home-schooled for two years, went to middle school as a part-time student, and dropped out of high school halfway through my junior year. I got my GED, worked for a year, and then went to college, and I’ve never regretted a single one of those choices. I pursued the education that worked for me, because the way the system had things layed out didn’t always make sense. NCLP is making restrictions tighter, and trying to improve education via standardization and testing.

To be blunt, fuck standardization, and fuck testing. Teach these kids the value of an education, and they’ll do the work themselves.

“It is only the ignorant who despise education.”
-Publius Syrus (42 B.C.)

socialweb tech

Continuing the trend of short posts…

Question of the day:

Is it on Technorati because it’s popular? Or is it popular because it’s on Technorati?


libraries news

“The Future of Libraries”

From the DaVinci Institute:

We have put together ten key trends that are affecting the development of the next generation library. Rest assured that these are not the only trends, but ones that have been selected to give clear insight into the rapidly changing technologies and equally fast changing mindset of library patrons.

Read the rest here.


Things you feel like maybe everyone else already knew…

Looking at templates, I came across a whole lot of what looked like Latin, starting with the text “Lorem Ipsum…”. Very brief research led me here, which offers an awesome explanation, as well as a Lorem Ipsum generator.



Template Search 2.0

More links in the eternal quest for a classy, sexy, working template.

Blogger-Templates – Of the templates listed, I particularly like this one. He also has some good tips, tricks, and hacks listed, so it’s worth checking even if you’re happy with your current template.

Not completely blog-related, but this dude’s art rocks my face off.

Isnaini Dot Com has some gorgeous templates. Half of them are a little off on the layout, which is really unfortunate, but I may tool around with them a bit and see what I can come up with. Dude has a second template site here.

Beccary has some simple, elegant, kick-ass work going on, including my favorite so far.

I know Nick will like the name. Eris Design has a kick-ass template creator, and some nice stuff. It’s a definite finalist. I like this one particularly.

I’m gonna go play with these for a bit, but perhaps I’ll update some more links later. Ciao!


Belated DC, part 1

The flight over Lake Michigan as the sun rose, and the architecture of the Smithsonian.

art photo

Belated DC, part 2

Outside the Modern Art Museum, then inside. A strange argument. Hand-outs. Men are not for burning. Miro for Emily. The dog casts a shadow.

art photo

Belated DC, part 3

I AM modern art. So is this warrior-bunny dude. The “No Exit” sign appeals to my Sartrian side, which is most of me. I am having so much freakin’ fun on the carousel. Two artsy carousel pictures. Spin, spin, spin!


Belated DC, part 4

In the botanical gardens. I felt a little indecent taking the first photo. A flock of flowers. Feed me Seymour! Cactus climb.


Belated DC, part 5

The Zoo. Two prehistoric looking bastards, one of which tried to eat my head. Turtle = whimsy. Strange bedfellows. Definately a “shanx”.


Belated DC, part 6

Back home, a nice cup of tea and a day of relaxation.

personal poetic school webcomics

Et tu, McGill?

Running a webcomic in a serious fashion dominates your life. It’s like crack, giant ramakins full of crack with dollops of “hilarious” and “ARGH!” thrown in as seasoning, simmered for 80 hours, and shoved down your gullet without so much as a bon appetit. Honestly, it’s a lot of fun, but time-consuming much? Yes. Of course, I’m the slacker that doesn’t have to draw the damn thing, so I got shit to complain about. Ask Theo about his social life lately … oh wait, you won’t be able to find him since he’s holed up drawing all the time.

That’s not entirely true. We hit the town, play pool, and cat about. It’s a toss, let me tell ya.

So this month is a big month. This month, I should learn if I get accepted to McGill for next Fall. Yes, Montreal is still on the plate, and in some ways it’s looking more savory than ever. I love the Northwest, but I dunno if I need to settle down in one area quite yet, and if I don’t explore the world when the opportunity presents in my youth, what are the chances that I’ll do so as I grow older?

In this, I have been fickle so far. Well, not entirely, considering I wasn’t accepted and therefore not offered the opportunity to be fickle (and I bet I would have gone, too, though I don’t regret staying here for another year). I’ll leave it at the fact that I’ve made my plays, and put things in motion, and at this point I don’t mind being a leaf in the wind, watching what unfolds.

My French skills fucking suck right now, though. I explete because this irritates me, and I’d like to parler fucking bien. When no one can hear me, I recite Apollinaire to myself, and always stop at the third stanza, dismayed that I’ve forgotten. Could I look it up? But then what would I complain about? I’ll leave you with the first two stanzas, from memory:

Vous y dansiez petite fille.
Y danzerez-vous mere-grande.
C’est la maclotte qui sautille,
toutes les cloches sonneront.
Quand donc reviendrez-vous, Marie?

Les masques sont silencieux,
et la musique est si lointaine,
qu’elle semble venir des cieux,
oui je veux vous aimer mais vous aimer a peine
et mon mal est delicieux.

That’s a memory from a long time ago, indeed.