
How do you define “patriotism”?

House passes Patriot Act Conference Report.

Which leaves the Senate.

I’m not anti-Patriot Act, but I think an extension would be good to clarify some issues in language and intent before we permanently place anything into law.

But then, I’m anti-American.

And I hate safety.

One reply on “How do you define “patriotism”?”

Ah language, that fickle click of the tongue taken down and trapped to be watched and prodded like a captured monkey or insect, just to see how all the joints work.

Smaller words I sometimes see writhing, or disturbingly still (lifeless?) on long sharp pins in collector’s boxes. Sometimes it will wriggle its limbs, still moving as if it doesn’t quite know or accept that it has been captured, collected, quantified and studied, attempting to crawl off into the distance to devour or procreate, or whatever it is that words do when they are not skewered by definitions and interpretations insistently thrust through them.

Politician or Poet?
Is there still a difference between a naturalist’s curiosity and a collector’s trained eye?

Oooo ooooO!! Time to frolic with words again! They’re so pretty in their natural habitat!

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