book poetic

Beautiful Evidence

Edward Tufte's latest book, Beautiful Evidence, has gotten some mixed reviews, but whether good or bad they've certainly piqued my curiosity.

From 37signals:

“What struck me is how you almost never have to hold something in your head while turning the page…he usually finishes his thought within the two pages you can see…and when you flip, it’s something new…that’s an excellent self-imposed constraint…’whatever i need to say, i’ll do it here.’”

and from an reviewer:

This book is, of course, going to be widely read and highly praised. But I don't think it will it be read enough. It is frustrating to read something like this advocating ethical scholarship and standards for evidence when there are new books that flat out lie about science. And when you can lie about science — that part of human endeavor that Galileo transformed with his forever idea that it was all about evidence — you can lie about anything.

To do your bit to kill truthiness, you could do much worse than following the principles in Beautiful Evidence.

 (via kottke)