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Keep on truckin’

Dear friends,

My bloggish silence is due to the fact that I have been laboriously moving, by automobile, across the country.  I left Tuesday and arrived in Oberlin, OH yesterday afternoon for a short reprieve.  The final destination is, of course, Montreal, and I will probably arrive on Friday after hanging out with Tim in Vermont.

Rest assured that I'll be sharing my adventures with you once I've landed, that I've taken some fun pictures of my travels as well, and that I'm even considering making a small, amateur music video, if I can find the time.  Does anyone know a nice, free program I could use to edit together some video footage and throw music behind it?  If so, do tell!

'Til then, love and truckstops.


3 replies on “Keep on truckin’”

Happy travels, my friend! I sympathize with the moving stress and Ikea blisters, but a new scene is so much worth it:) I hope you get there in one sane piece.

Big wheels keep on turnin’ and all that. I hope you get there soon and safely. It sounds as if you’re having moderate fun, however, and that’s always a good thing. I am, once again, sorry I missed your call. My couch is always available, so you know, but I guess I have to be home to let you in. Sigh, I’m sad I didn’t get to say goodbye.

There is good, inexpensive editing software if you own a Mac. If you do not – then you are pretty much out of luck. If you do own a Mac, just purchase the iLife suite for $80 that comes with iMovie, iDVD, iPhoto, iWeb and best of all Garageband. Let me know if you have any questions about any of these programs!

Oh, and happy travels!

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