Or is it a website? That’s the problem, really, with moving to your own domain thingy. You begin to experience an identity crisis. Granted I never knew what I was doing on blogspot or LJ either, but I was the most prolific when I was just blogging, before I felt like “just blogging” was somehow cliche or trite, or god forbid, completely self-obsessed.
That all said, I’ve ceased to care, for this very particular instant, what anyone who reads this and doesn’t know me might think of me. Because honestly, if people read random blurbs of inane information concerning my personal life, and they know me, they’ll have a context, find it interesting maybe, or at the least, feel in the loop. And if they don’t know me, and don’t have a context, well then I don’t know why they’re here anyway. At one point I know I was hoping to have a “popular” website. Something topical and interesting and poignant to its field, like an LIS blog or something. I had all these great plans to blog about library school, but honestly it’s just not that exciting. Maybe I’m just a crappy storyteller. Who knows. Excuses aside, let the inanity commence.
Today I had my first quiz in a long, long time, and now it feels like my brain wants to explode. I imagine it would help if I went and drank some wine and ate some food, but I guess I’d rather relax and type out these thoughts. Huh.
Jeph released his “She blinded me with library science” tees for preorder, so if you’re interested you should swing over to questionablecontent.net and put in your order. They’re sexy AND clever. But then that’s QC for you.
I spent a week in Olympia, and it was nice to see everyone again, though I admit that the week was a bit more hectic than I might have liked. Now I just have to trudge through six more weeks of school until Christmas break, and three weeks off. Hopefully I can make it seem like I’m NOT trudging, but then that’s the trick, isn’t it.
So back to my quiz. We had to write correct authority headings for some entries, and then we had to write out cross-reference cards indicated by various authority files. After that we had to create a main entry unit card based off a MARC record, and then create a level 2 ISBD description based off the title page and some listed information of a book. Finally, we got to explain the four uses of uniform titles, using specific examples, and furthermore explain how each use might be effective in different types of libraries. It’s been a long time since I ran out of time on a test, and I did finish, but I was rushing a lot near the end, on the essay, and I didn’t finish insofar as I could have easily written a lot more to make my essay answer completely satisfactory. But then I didn’t much care for the question, as far as something that we have to analyze and think about rather than just regurgitate the rules and uses of uniform titles, so I didn’t particularly feel like putting an enormous amount of energy into it anyway.
After the quiz, in a flash of halloween wickedness, we had a manic thirty-minute lecture on LC subject headings, and how to assign them, which was subsequently the topic of our lab. It’s been a long day, and I’m tired and hungry, and I’m now one-eighth of the way done with my degree and that, at least, is a little bit exciting.
Happy Halloween! I’m off to eat some food and watch some more of season six of Buffy. I’m almost done! I was thinking about being Giles for Halloween, but then I realized that my accent just plain sucks.