internet libraries

libSite: a Recommendation Service for Library-related websites

If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed by the incredible number of library and library-related (and heck, information-related) websites out there, then perhaps libSite, which launched just today, will be able to ease your anxiety. Among the services it lists, libSite allows users to recommend sites, rate other people’s sites, save sites to a favorites list, create rss feeds and email alerts, and more. You can also create a libSite widget to put on your homepage, keeping you and your users up to date of the newest library-related sites to make the list.

It seemed a fitting diversion to stop in and mention it, since otherwise I’m sitting here trying to write a paper on what the next ten years hold for library services and collections. I don’t know if libSite is it, per se, but it’s certainly facing in the right general direction, plus you don’t have to wait ten years. That’s always nice.

Check it out now:

You can also check out the widget over on my sidebar. Neat-o.


A year older …

… if only a day. It wasn’t the best of birthdays.

My only real wish is that I make it through the next couple weeks without dying from this palpable ball of stress that has taken up habitation just below my sternum. Should I live, there will be driving, companionship, homecoming, and deep, deep relaxation.

Yea, those are the things from which a birthday should be made.