I’ve rearranged and added some links, most notably four new pulldown menus of news links. This in an effort to stay more informed about the world around me. Ironically, I’ve spent hours on my blog today, and now am left with only a few minutes to post something. Type quickly!
We were to have a swing practice last night to work on our “Tainted Love” routine, but there was a “goings-on” going on where we were to do it, so we moseyed over to Adrian’s house. He’s got space enough to dance, once we moved some furniture, and we did indeed get some practice done, but not much. Mostly we drank beers, ate chips and listened to dance music (not swing). It was fun, in an odd sort of way. Adrian suggested the Brotherhood for some more drinking, as we were getting ready to leave, but I played the “have to work early” card. I was just tired, and drinking all night sounded like the least enjoyable idea ever conceived by man or ape. Arriving home, we started to watch the new release of The 5th Element. I was crashing, though, and fell asleep within the first half-hour. Theo and Kandace snuck upstairs sometime whilst I was snoozing, and when I woke up about half an hour later, it was just Tim and I. I figured he’d be hardcore and stay up and finish it, but he turned it off when I announced my resignation. Oh well, I needed the rest after staying up until five in the morning playing poker the previous night. I won $3 though!
My weekend plans are modest: a haircut, perhaps; a movie or two; add to my music collection; have an interesting conversation. I’d throw in find true love and start a novel, but for the first I’ve come to accept that you almost never find love when you’re looking for it, and for the second I as yet feel I have more important things to do before I can write down a story worth reading. As dry as my blog’s been lately, I doubt a novel written over the weekend would sell for a nickel, even as a pillow. Maybe I need someone to insta-muse me. Yeah … that’d be nice.
2 replies on “News to the insta-muse”
3 dollars! NICE! And yes, love searched for is seldom found.