humor montreal school

Guerilla warfare is for monkeys

And monkeys are awesome, so it’s all good.

I think we all need to do more stuff like this.
Imagine the possibilities.

Tickle-Me Elmos could stop giggling and start screaming “Bad touch! Bad touch!” to teach kids that it’s okay to speak out against their local priest. The Pee-Wee Herman doll could make lewd comments about how much he likes it when you pull his cord. But nothing’s quite as good as a G.I. Joe doll idly wondering, “Will I ever have enough clothes?” Thanks to Kevin for the link.

So I’ve been in absolute la-la land lately. A lot of those “complications” I mentioned in a previous entry have worked themselves out, and I’ve been having a blast. Last night I cooked borscht for the first time, and it actually turned out pretty well! Granted, we cheated a bit and used a food chopper device, which made the beets a little more minced than I would have liked, but the end product was superb. We sucked that down with some red wine and some warm bread, cleansed our pallettes with a raspberry liqueur (which was heavenly, oh my god), and watched a couple movies. Everyone had left after the first movie, and so just the two of us were left to snuggle through Gods and Monsters, which saw us both passed out within a half-hour. So I guess I can’t say I really watched it. But the first half-hour seemed quite interesting!

Something which may surprise some, dismay or anger others. I’ve pretty much decided that if I get accepted to McGill that I’ll defer for a year, during which time I’ll also apply to the University Of Washington’s MLIS program (which I was too late for this year, unfortunately). McGill would be awesome, and Montreal looks fantastic, but ya know … I gotta see about a girl. It’s not an easy decision, and nothing’s written in stone yet, but for now I feel like putting grad school back a year and perhaps not doing it in Montreal is a smaller sacrifice than letting this amazing woman possibly slip away. Hey, it’s a surprise to me too!

As Theo‘s mentioned, tonight we’re going up to Seattle for a bit of club-hopping. They have a deal in Pioneer Square where you can get a club pass (7 clubs) for $12. Not bad! We’re gonna start out with some grubbin’ at The New Orleans, a place I mentioned previously when I went up to Seattle with Christine and met some great swing-dancers, and then the guys are gonna swing over to The Owl ‘N Thistle for to take advantage of their nice dart boards and fine brews. Then who knows what the night may bring. I’ll be sure to let you know.

That’s it for now. I’m gonna go try and write a micro.

And now your moment of zen.

2 replies on “Guerilla warfare is for monkeys”

Gamble everything for love, if you’re a true human being. Otherwise leave this gathering. Half-heartedness does not reach into majesty.


Maybe this will help ease the decision: it is so cold in Montreal in the winter that they built a network of tunnels connecting the buildings of McGill for people to use so that noone has to go outside.

I almost went to McGill, but I got turned off by the fact that they don’t really approve of “changing faculty”; ie make sure you pick a major you really like, ’cause changing it may be difficult.

Glad you enjoyed the borscht. If you really liked the recipe, I’d love to see it. I can seem to find one that tastes like the kind of borscht I used to get in NYC.

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