humor webcomics

Clever little comics

Today offers some witty and/or simply odd repartee:

I ate a frog with a spork once.

Like when you used to call my penis ‘the best thing since sliced beer.’

I’ll just take this melted drive and rub it on my dick until our files grow back!

I’ve just got a little bit of backfired plan caught in my eyes.

Theo found a new comic yesterday, called Hous’d, which I’m gonna check out. Then maybe I’ll check out some of the other comics from this list. Because you can never have too many comics.

One reply on “Clever little comics”

“In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer.”
Albert Camus

Today I set up a black and white photography dark room in the house I was raised in. Are you excited? Cause I am. I can now print you an 8×12 headshot of you in the port townsend circus. NOW you should be excited!!

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