Quick updates on the life of the Wa (that's me).
All my ducks are in a row to go to McGill. I got my CAQ (documentation) and my funds (loans), and I put in my notice at the two places that need it (my apartment and my job). I've been telling people I'm leaving August 15th, which is indeed the plan. I'm scared to death.
Part of the reason I'm scared is that I've fallen in love. Really, really more in love than I was even a little bit prepared for, and now I have no idea what to do. I've got some big decisions to make, and some serious conversations ahead. And some tears to shed, I'm certain. Love has the very strangest timing.
Theo's been talking about revitalizing La Casa, which I guess I'll believe when it happens. He's still sitting on two scripts, and after that … well, honestly, I'd really love to get back to writing comics on a regular basis. I've had some good ideas while we've been on hiatus. If we do get back to it, I'd like to try a different format. The 2×2 panel at 600×800 now seems a little too cumbersome, and I wonder why we ever chose it. My super-secret goal is to be nominated for best new webcomic for next year's WCCA. We've also thrown around the idea of starting a webcomics-review site. We've been thinking about it for about a year now, and mostly because Eric doesn't update as often as he used to and Fleen is more-or-less completely uninteresting to us.
I've been playing softball over the summer, and our team has won one game out of about … ten. We can't even maintain a perfect losing record. We were on track to win a second game, but then the bastards came back in the bottom of the 7th and kicked our asses. It was hell of fun, though.
Yesterday it hit 101 degrees. That's not hell of fun at all. That's just hell.
3 replies on “Things that are happening, an update.”
I’m sorry for your heart, but enjoy the love, Ahniwa. You never know what the future holds and for now you have a very special thing, be glad for that. 🙂 I’m glad for you! New love, bright future, new adventures! Man, color me green! It’ll all be fine. Just take a deep breath and smile.
Love your friend,
Are you being faced with the “long distance” relationship option? When I was, many people declared, “It will work if you’re really in love,” or, “No matter how well you fit together distance will kill your relationship,” etc. The thing is, no one had actually tried it, so I didn’t know what to think when I was face-to-face with a three-year separation. I tried it, and it worked. We stuck together and married latter. Which is not to say I would wish the feelings that came along the way on anyone. But in some cases, they turn out to be worth it. I hope whatever you decide to do works for you and makes you happy:)
I had no intention of trying a long-distance relationship, initially. Then I got swept the hell off my feet. It should be some inclination that everyone, when faced with our enthusiasm and joy, has been incredibly encouraging towards a long-distance relationship. No nay-saying realists in our camps.
We’re planning frequent visits (holidays and the like), on something of a rotating basis, as much as will be possible. The funny thing is that I’m really not even worried about it. I simply know that it will work (and really, usually, I’m not that optimistic). She feels the same way, so that’s pretty amazing.
But then, everything about this is amazing, so it’s par for the course. Thanks for your well-wishing. It’s nice to hear about a similar situation that ended well. 🙂