Susann from McGill's GSLIS called yesterday about some funding they found for me. I called her back this morning, and in the interim dreamed that perhaps they had seen my library experience and wanted me to do some sort of work study bit in the library there, since I was obviously so well-qualified. It's not work, sadly, but it is an international tuition waiver, which means that, for my first term at least, I'll be paying Quebec tuition rates instead of international rates. She told me that it's a $3500 difference for the term, and I'm definately not gonna quibble about that. I do wish more people would just call me up, out of the blue, and offer me money, though. It's a disappointingly rare occurence.
I'm getting more revved up, and more scared, about the impending departure. In the meantime, I've tried to make the most of being where I am and particularly in taking advantage of the people I love who are nearby. I went to Friday Harbor over the Fourth of July to see Cree and Benj and Gypsy, and to meet Nomi and Anne and Renee and little Aye-la. It was unaccountably good to see these, my friends, my best friends, of gradeschool through highschool and beyond, doing well, living happily, in good relationships and making healthy choices. All of them went through rough patches, during which I didn't speak with them much if at all. We all have to go through things on our own sometimes, and nothing I could have done would have helped, I think. It's great to have them back, though, even if I am leaving.
This past weekend I went to Port Townsend, where I was born and where my mom lives still. It was a little hectic but a lot of fun in a house packed with my mom, Abby and myself, Coyote and Paul, and even Kas and Lavinia. Kas is another best friend from highschool, my acting buddy, and has been living in Holland with his musician wife. Last time I saw him was four years ago when I graduated from Evergreen, and our visits always seem to be for too brief a time. Brief or no, at a visit every four years, I'll take what I can get. Seeing my sister and mom is always nice, of course, and being in Port Townsend is ever-relaxing, even when the time spent is busy and occupied. Abby got along well with everyone, and vice versa, which is nice since I imagine her being in the picture for a long, long time. I wasn't worried, but it's still nice when these little details work themselves out.
She'll meet my dad this weekend, which should be interesting. I'm sure they'll get along, even if my dad's a little strange. Still, I'm a lot strange, and she seems to like me okay, so that shouldn't be too much of an issue. I've yet to meet her parents, though I imagine I will before I head east. So far, she's been a gem about meeting my family, and I'd be lying if I didn't admit to being a little nervous about meeting hers. It's not that I've heard horror stories, or have any reason to be concerned, except she's been so good and my family likes her enough that I want to be able to return the favor.
August 15th. Now less than two weeks away. Sweet zombie jesus …
… please keep my ailing sanity in your prayers as I get ready to leave behind the city and friends and woman that I love to pursue some silly graduate school … thing. It'll all be worth it, right?
4 replies on “Comme les Quebecois”
Very worth it. 😉
Yep, totally worth it. Everyone you cherish will be right behind you every step of the way…even when they seem very far away.
Thanks for the support! It’ll work out fine, I imagine, I’m just feeling a little overwhelmed at the mo’. Go figure! 😉
Overwhelmed? But why? It’s not like you’re starting a whole new chapter in your life or anything! *wink*