It’s a happy, sun-shiny sort of day today,
odd for mid-October. We should be into monsoon
season by now, or at least feel the threat of it
more strongly. Instead, we had a few days of rain,
a few days of sun, then rain again, and now sun.
It’s definately getting colder though,
and it’s becoming damned hard to get out of bed
in the frigid mornings.
November is NaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month.
Blogger has adapted this to NaNoBloMo, which looks cooler
but is essentially just writing your novel using a blog.
Like Karla, I’m unsure of whether or not I can
muster the commitment to plunge so far into words.
I’ve got my idea, and even a fairly lucid story-line,
characters and plot twists, all worked out in my head.
Problem is, I’m already too busy to do half the things
that I’d like to be doing. I have enough of a problem reading
a novel in a month, with all my other activities, and I’d
hate to, in the midst of this, try and write a novel within
a month only to fail, maybe to never try again.
Oh, the horror! (Ha, I’m so dramatic.)
Seriously, though. I’d like to do this, but don’t think
I can balance my time well enough to pull it off.
But then the question that begs to be asked:
If not now, when?
November is just around the bend, so I must
focus on this with the most heavy of ponderance.
50,000 words sure does seem like a lot.
2 replies on “Sun-dappled leaves of cedar”
50,000 words is nothing! You can do it in your sleep! hey, that’s an idea…a dream-journal blog with creative tie-ins between each entry. Hmmmm…
Remember that scene in Amelie when the she goes to the haunted house and the skeletton starts whispering in her ear?
Imagine it’s you that he’s whispering to.
“Dooooooo itttttttt”
I’m going to try. “Try” being the operative word.
If anything, you’ll have a half completed novel to finish at some other point in your life.
Now if only I could get some motivation…