love personal


It seems to me that, in order to get by gracefully in this world, the most important skill that one can possess is being able to adapt easily to change. There is no stasis in this world. As much as we might feel it, there is actually little entropy for anyone who lives life with, at the least, two legs and eyes in the front of their heads. Even small changes: a friend gets a haircut, your poker night switches houses, you start going to bed at 11:30 instead of 11:00; even these little things can have a great effect on your life, and if you’re not adaptive, not willing to say to yourself “Okay, this is how this is now and I’ll just have to get used to it,” then even these tiny details can be grating, difficult, and ultimately destructive.

And when it comes to relationships, change is the dealbreaker. Or the dealmaker. My brother had to make a fairly large change before he could marry the woman he loved, but he did so, and gracefully, and so was able to move on with a happy and fruitful existence. My own relationship has gone through so much change of late — engagement, my moving to Montreal, my coming back from Montreal, building rooms, visiting friends, and starting new jobs — that sometimes I feel like I hardly even know which way is up anymore, and at times I just wish it would all stop. Where is that moment when, returning from Montreal, I finally get to rest, bask for a moment in my own happiness and fulfillment, and take a nice, long, deep breath? Where my deep, deep relaxation? As I’ve sought it out, I’ve come to a rather painful realization concerning my ability to adapt well to changes.

I don’t.

How did that happen? I always thought I did great. I always thought that I was the zen master of living a simple and uncomplicated life where the events of the world did not have the ability to affect my tranquil and positive state of being. Evidently, not so much.

But I’ve still got hope for myself. The next fourteen – sixteen months will provide me more than enough opportunities to, hopefully, get over myself and, in doing so, find myself again. I sound like a fortune cookie, even to me, but I know that there’s that core there, somewhere inside me, that remains unflappable. Perhaps I’ll find it. Alternately, maybe I’ll come to realize that being unflappable? Not so great after all. It’s the people that flap, that are sensitive and emotional, that live with great passion, that burn and seethe and cry out in the night their joys and heartaches. I’ve envied these people for years, but somehow I just don’t think that it’s the way I was built to be.

Either way: change? Yeah, I’m gonna learn how to deal with it and maybe, one day, to even enjoy it.



You may have already noticed, but things will be rather kablooey around here for a little while. It seems easiest to use this site as a theme-editing sandbox. I’m adjusting the newly available copyblogger 1.0 theme for use at our university.

Fun times.

game humor


Dude. Monkey, Ninja, Pirate, Robot: The Role-Playing Game!?

Monkey, Ninja, Pirate, Robot: The Role-Playing Game!

There’s also one called “Ninja Burger.” Both games are based on the “PDQ” system (Prose Descriptive Qualities), created by Chad Underkoffler, about whom Eric Burns just did a lovely little write-up.

Silly though it may be, it’s the little things like this that make me feel like it’s an alright world, after all.

humor personal webcomics

Webcomic QotD

Order is illegal! It goes against the laws of thermodynamics.”

“Anarchists educated in entropy? The epitome of irony!”

internet music

The Day the Music Dies

If you’ve ever talked to me about music, chances are that I’ve mentioned Pandora, my all-time favorite web radio application … ever. Pandora starts with a suggestion; say you like you some No Doubt, or maybe you heard Little Brown Jug for the first time, and you’re itchin’ to find something else to make your toes go all nimbly-jimbly and dance around. Pandora’s got that, they’ll take your suggestion, and they’ll roll with it, and you’ll like some of what you play, and you won’t like other choices, but as you go along you can tell them what you think, and in this fashion your station becomes more and more refined, more and more perceptive, perhaps even, ultimately, sympathetic to your search for a certain feel of music.

Today, however, no toes are tapping. Today there exists only silence in the hallowed halls of Today we observe a day of silence, and hope that it really, truly, only lasts a day.

Today, you can be sympathetic to Pandora’s cause, and fight to save internet radio.

art humor webcomics

A story of love.

rated K for kickassSinfest started on the 17th of January, 2000, with decent black and white art and a couple interesting characters. Since then, it has evolved to become one of the most well-polished, consistent, and funny webcomics I read. I’ve just been catching up a bit. Considering that Sinfest updates with near perfect consistency, seven days a week, there’s plenty there to look at, and nearly 2500 strips to read if you want to start from the beginning. There’s plenty of schwag too, if you’re in for that sort of thing.

The strip pictured is one of the sunday strips, larger and in color, with a different style. I love the styling on Monique in the “of love” panel, though for some reason it makes me think of Final Fantasy games. Honestly, one of things I like about Sinfest is that it does a great job of being a really sexy comic, without ever crossing the line.

If you’re interested in crossing the line, on the other hand, check out Jess Fink’s “Dirty Limericks” over at It is what it sounds like, so probably best not to read it anywhere you might get in trouble.

internet tech

Site of the day: Ideum

“Ideum develops interactive experiences for museum visitors. Working in partnership with a range of museums, they have created over 40 projects which extend the experience of the museum goer through the use of new technology. The weblog-style website features a generous selection of these, from a tool that allowed three to five year olds to upload the sounds of the gallery floor, through software mash ups and interactive photographic exhibits.”

Check it out at:

Link and description via Intute.


WordPress 2.2

WordPress 2.2 is available! I always get a little giddy when a new version of WordPress becomes available. Really, it doesn’t affect my life all that much, but that doesn’t make it any less cool. Some of the features from this full decimal update include:

  • Integrated Widgets;
  • Full Atom Support;
  • Speed Optimizations;
  • and a new Blogger importer.

They also claim to have closed 244 tickets on the bug tracker, which seems a significant accomplishment. Who knows, maybe that means I can start using wp-cache again.

Read all about it on the WordPress Dev Blog.

humor tech

Pesky little morning robots

This may not be the kind of trickery I’m eager to deal with at the crack of dawn (assuming I ever actually attempted to wake up that early). Even so, it’s one of the coolest little gadgets I’ve seen in a long time. After all, everyone loves a cheeky little robot.

aquaclockSnip from Thinkgeek:

Sleep is the little death, and dying kinda sucks, so we avoid it whenever possible. Problem is, if you don’t sleep, you tend to pass out an inopportune times, like driving, operating heavy droids, and various sex type behaviors. Thankfully, unplanned narcolepsy can be avoided by a strict regimen of planned sleep. Don’t let sleep take you over though; too much means no work done! You need a boot to the butt to wake you up, and Clocky is here with said metaphorical boot! Clocky’s robotic wheels propel this little alarm off your nightstand, spinning away from your grasp. Turning and spinning, it forces you out of bed to chase down this adorable noisy demon, making you instantly alert and ready to face the day.


book libraries tech

Amazon RSS and Three Books now offers RSS feeds, based on tags that you choose. You can then aggregate these feeds to your site, and even keep them as affiliate links, if you’re into that kind of thing.

See: RSS web feeds for tagged products (syndication)

Three books I need to own:

Creating Database-Backed Library Web Pages: Using Open Source Tools — Stephen R. Westman

Because these are exactly the sorts of sites I want to, and will likely be able to, make.

The Wisdom of Crowds — James Surowiecki

Because this book is mentioned so often it has nearly become annoying, but I suppose I should read it anyway.

Ambient Findability: What We Find Changes Who We Become — Peter Morville

Because in the world of federated searching, findability is a more interesting topic than ever.

art tech webcomics

Comic Life for Windows

Comic Life, a comic creation program previously only for the Mac, now has a working beta for the Windows OS. Shit … I keep running out of reasons not to make a webcomic of my very own.

libraries tech work

Electronic Reserves and Open Source Options

Our library is currently investigating implementation of an electronic reserves system, in tandem with other academic libraries in the area. My involvement in the decision is one of my summer “Library Intern” projects.

Next week we get to demo two major ER systems:

Since I’m a creature of the open source generation, it also behooved me to search out some OSS options, which revealed namely:

  • GMUtant Software’s OSCR; and,
  • ReservesDirect, which was originally developed by Emory University and just went open source last December.

If anyone has any experience with any of these systems, I’d sure love to hear your thoughts! I’m e-attending a presentation on Ares and ERes next Tuesday, so I’ll have a better starting point to compare after that.

internet tech

File under: Check it out

AKA the links from this month’s IRN that I find most intriguing:


Libraries, not obsolete after all.

33 Reasons Why Libraries and Librarians are Still Extremely Important

I especially like this bit in the conclusion:

Instead of regarding libraries as obsolete, state and federal governments should increase funding for improved staffing and technology. Rather than lope blindly through the digital age, guided only by the corporate interests of web economics, society should foster a culture of guides and guideposts. Today, more than ever, libraries and librarians are extremely important for the preservation and improvement of our culture.

libraries news tech

Exciting stuff.

A group of scholarly societies is uniting to create more direct access to their collective content. In June, thirteen of the world’s leading science and technology societies will launch, a free federated vertical search portal that will enable users to explore the research most cited in scholarly work and patents in a single click. will aggregate the entire electronic libraries of the leading voices in major science and technology disciplines. More than three million documents, including peer-reviewed journal content and conference proceedings, spanning 150 years of science and technology will be searched through this dedicated gateway.

Read the official press release: (it’s a pdf)
Sci-Tech Societies Unite to Create Super Research Site

Check it out:

libraries poetic tech

re: Open Access and the Progress of Science

I recently wrote a few pages about Open Access myself, for a take-home test in my Collection Development course.  Since I was writing at about five in the morning, it’s hard to remember if what I said made any sense (I tend not to look back over my assignments once I’ve handed them in).  I do remember that my tone was very much pro-OA, and that my title was “Open Access (or Close the Door)”.  If I did make sense, then I hope that my paper resembled somewhat the one recently written by Alma Swan for American Scientist Online.

Swan argues against the current way we disseminate research:

“But no one would say, “Hey, why don’t we only let some researchers see this stuff and see how science gets on?” Yet that is precisely where we are today, in a system where gateways limit access to research results, and as a consequence only a small fraction of the world’s research libraries subscribe to some journals. The gentleman’s club survives, if only as metaphor.”

Swan goes on to cite multiple ways in which an open access publishing model would improve scientific research.  I’m sure it makes a bit more sense than my paper did, but the sentiment is very much the same.

Open access, or close the door.

Read the article:
American Scientist Online – Open Access and the Progress of Science

book libraries

File under: Books to Buy

In my experience, LIS students are always concerned that the field is shrinking. So it’s nice to have a book like this talk about the options available, and offer some anecdotal experience too.


Many people, not just those new to the field of Library and Information Science, are curious about their career options. The editors of have assembled 95 authors, each of whom describes a “typical” workday or work routine, sharing joys, sorrows, and annoyances in refreshingly candid fashion.

internet libraries

Biblioblog of Congress

The Library of Congress celebrates its 207th birthday by … launching a blog! GNC reports:/

The blog at is authored by Matt Raymond, the library’s communications director. Recent entries have included musings about Shakespeare, rare books and Raymond’s attendance at the 2006 Webby Award (the library is nominated for two webbies this year), where acceptance speeches have to be limited to five words. The Library of Congress’ speech last year was a pithy, “By the people, for people.”

site: Library of Congress Blog

internet libraries

Library Videos (and testing Scribefire)

An blog devoted to library videos?  You bet! Plus I get to test out Scribefire, another Firefox extension.  Seems a bit more extensive than Clipmarks, though no more complicated.  Hurray for fancy webiness.

link: Library Videos




Do you have three minutes to learn about these three letters: RSS? Watch the Common Craft Show and let Lee LeFever explain the concept of updates from your favorite websites coming to you. He does it with a delightful mix of low- and hi-tech (i.e. paper and online video) tools.