humor tech

Suck my Cingular sprockets, Sprint

I know I mentioned it when I got a cell phone, via Sprint. I’m not sure if I ever mentioned that I ditched Sprint within my trial period, and switched to Cingular. Cingular is better. So I sent the two phones I got from Sprint back to them, via their return kits, and went on with my life waiting for them to bill me all of $8 or so for the days I used their service.

A few days ago I get the bill from them, for a merry $165! Evidently, they claim to have never recieved one of the phones I sent them. So I finally had a chance to call them last night. The first lady I talked to needed the tracking # for the phones I sent back, which I couldn’t find immediately, so she asked me to call back. Once I had the tracking #s I called back, only to get transferred to the billing department. The billing department, after verifying my identity (for about the 8th time that night), immediately told me I owed them $165 and asked me how I would like to pay that amount. Once I explained my problem, they transferred me back to the customer service department (or rather to a main menu), from which I pushed the wrong button and couldn’t go back, so I had to call again. Around the fifth time I called last night I talked to a lady who noted my account, placed a priority status on it, and yet still told me I’d have to call back in the morning so they could check the warehouse (which was closed by that point) and verify the phone had been returned. They didn’t seem to care that I could go to, put in the tracking number, and see that Sprint had signed for the phone at their warehouse on April 9th at 8 am. Evidently, that didn’t mean much to them.

So I called back this morning, talked to customer service, who stumbled around for a # to the warehouse, and after five minutes said, “All I can find is the orders support number.” Rather than transferring me, she gave me their number, and I hung up and called them. The lady in orders was pretty helpful, really. She checked the notes on my account, checked the tracking # through the warehouse, and finally admitted to me that yes, I had in fact returned that phone. She put a note, asked me to hold as she transferred me to someone who could remove the charges for me. I was still naively optimistic at this point (somehow), thanked her, and waited patiently. Ten minutes later, as I started to get antsy, I realized I was no longer on hold. Instead, my call had been dropped. This seems to happen a lot when you call Sprint.

Figuring my account had been noted by the appropriate people in the orders department, I called the main customer service line again, pushed a few buttons, and they transferred me to billing. People who work for Sprint who can speak clearly, with a minimal accent, and sound nice, get put in customer service and orders. They’re the salespeople, and it makes good sense that they sound friendly and approachable. Sprint’s billing staff, on the other hand, is the meanest, fastest-talking, and heaviest-accented group you’ve ever seem outside of an LA taxi company. The point being, I assume, that they would like to confuse you into accidently paying them the money that you were calling to dispute in the first place. Example:

Billing: “Thankyouforverifyingyourinformation. Youowe$165, wouldyouliketograymen hitherberjakoil mongooselimabeanfoxmonkey alphabitsjubjub hydroliccancanjuice?”

Customer: “Huh? What, ummm …okay?”

Billing: “Thankyou, yourcreditcardhasbeencharged$3000 foralifelong subscriptionto Sprint. Haveaniceday. (click)”

Customer: “Noooooo!!!”

So, I’m talking to this lady in billing, who verifys my information (I feel like my identity has been abused it’s been verified so much at this point), and then tells me I owe Sprint $165 and asks me, “Wouldyouliketopaythatusingcreditdebitorcheck?” I sighed, and explained that there were surely 20 notes on my account at this point, one of which would explain to her that I’d spoken to someone in the warehouse, who had verified that I had in fact returned the phone for which Sprint was trying to charge me, and that I would like the fee removed. I didn’t mention my suspicion that one of the notes on my account read, “Help this man and Satan himself will reach up out of hell and swallow your soul.” She took a moment to read the note, asked me to wait while she accessed my account, and put me on hold. Just as I was feeling like the end was in sight, she got back on the line to tell me that she couldn’t access my bill “at this time”. She waited, as if I would reply, “Oh, that’s fine, I was just calling for the fun of it, not because I expected any resolution or level of competence. Tata!” Instead, I grunted something like, “Umm, you can’t access my bill?” and thought something like What the hell is the point of a billing department if they can’t access your bill? She repeated, “Yes, I can’t access your bill right now.” She paused again. I outwaited her. “If you could call back in thirty minutes, we should be able to access your bill then.”

I was baffled. Was there a time-lock on my bill? Was it time for this lady’s lunch and she just didn’t want to be bothered by me anymore? Had she, in trying to help me, inadvertently been possessed by Satan, who wanted to mock and torment my misery? I doubted the last one, if only because I think she was never that interested in helping me. I thanked her (I’m infernally polite), though a bit curtly, and hung up. Of course, I couldn’t call back in thirty minutes because I had to be at work, which is where I am now, wondering why the devil has it in for me.

Moral: Sprint sucks.

Have a nice day.

humor work

Build me like Adonis, cover me like Justice

I signed up for a free week at a local gym, for a kick-boxing aerobics class that lasts one hour and keeps you moving non-stop. Yesterday evening was the first time I gave it a shot, and it kicked my ass. It’s a nice, full-body and cardio workout, though, so I figure I’ll keep going until I’m built like a Greek god, Adonis, or at least get rid of my “spare tire”. Today I’m sore from head to toe, but it feels nice to have gotten out and done something physical, and I’m going to do my best to keep it up.

I applied for a job (yes, I know, again) as a Technology Support Specialist at Saint Martin’s College (which is where I already work at the library reference desk). It’s a full-time gig, and one that opened recently because the previous guy was fired under dubious circumstances. I don’t know how qualified I am for the position, but I’m going to emphasize “trainability” and see how well they buy it. If I get the job, I’ll be nervous as hell for awhile, because honestly when it comes to computers I always feel like I operate through guesswork, and than my supposed “knowledge” about computers is all a big sham. But then, that’s kind of why I would like the job, so that I can get over that and learn some actual computer skills that will help me a lot in the future, hopefully also as a professional librarian one day (which is still the goal).

Last but not least, I was sent this list yesterday, which I had already read but which was fun to revisit. If you’ve not read it, it’ll get your funny on.

Washington Post’s MENSA Invitational

The Washington Post’s MENSA Invitational once again asked readers to take any word from the dictionary, alter it by adding, subtracting, or changing one letter, and supply a new definition. Here are this year’s winners. (None of them get through spellcheck.)

1. Intaxication: Euphoria at getting a tax refund, which lasts until you realize it was your money to start with.

2. Reintarnation: Coming back to life as a hillbilly.

3. Bozone (n.): The substance surrounding stupid people that stops bright ideas from penetrating. The bozone layer, unfortunately, shows little sign of breaking down in the near future.

4. Foreploy: Any misrepresentation about yourself for the purpose of getting laid.

5. Cashtration (n.): The act of buying a house, which renders the subject financially impotent for an indefinite period.

6. Giraffiti: Vandalism spray-painted very, very high.

7. Sarchasm: The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and thev person who doesn’t get it.

8. Inoculatte: To take coffee intravenously when you are running late.

9. Hipatitis: Terminal coolness.

10. Osteopornosis: A degenerate disease. (This one got extra credit.)

11. Karmageddon: It’s like, when everybody is sending off these bad vibes, right? And then, like, the Earth explodes and it’s like, a serious bummer.

12. Decafalon (n.): The grueling event of getting through the day consuming only things that are good for you.

13. Glibido: All talk and no action.

14. Dopeler effect: The tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly.

15. Arachnoleptic fit (n.): The frantic dance performed just after you’ve accidentally walked through a spider web.

16. Beelzebug (n.): Satan in the form of a mosquito, that gets into your bedroom at three in the morning and cannot be cast out.

17. Caterpallor (n.): The color you turn after finding half a worm in the fruit you’re eating.

And the pick of the literature:

18. Ignoranus: A person who’s both stupid and an asshole.

Of course, I had to make up a couple of my own, and I apologize if they are “groaners”.

Laciturn: (adj) used to describe dairy cows that refuse to moo.

Endolent: (adj) prone to falling asleep before the movie is over.

Platidude: (n) just your average, cliché stoner

Morifund: (n) what your greedy relatives would like to get when you die.

Tonight I’m going to watch “Finding Neverland” at the Capitol Theater. Then we may go swing dancing up in Tacoma. I wish you all equally splendiferous evenings.


humor music

Baby Got Bud

My ode to the allergy season,
a la Sir Mix-A-Lot:

Oh my god, Becky,
look at her pistil,
It is so big.
She looks like one of those worker bees’ girlfriends,
But y’know, who understand those workers?
They only harvest her because
she looks like a total pollen-whore, kay,
I mean her buds, they’re just so big.
I can’t believe they’re so round, they’re like, out there.
I mean, it’s so gross,
look, she’s just so ripe.

I like big buds and I can not lie,
you other workers can’t deny,
when you find a plant with some itty bitty leaves
and she’s hoarding those ripe seeds
You get sprung,
Wanna pull up tough
‘cuz you noticed those buds were stuffed.
Deep in the petals she’s wavin’,
I’m hooked for the pollen I’m cravin’,
Oh, posy I wanna get with ya,
and grab a pitcha’,
my home-bees tried to dissuade me,
but those buds you got
have really sprayed me.
Ooh rumple-smooth-petal,
You say you wanna get in my shtetl?
Well feed me, feed me, ’cause you ain’t that average peony.

Seen her petals waving,
to hell with pollen-saving,
she’s powder,
don’t crowd her, gonna eat her like a chowder.

I’m tired of magazines,
saying little buds are the thing,
take the average worker and ask him what he need,
she gotta pack much seed.

So fellas (yeah?), fellas (yeah?),
has your girlfriend got the bud? (hell yeah!)
Tell her to wave around,
spray it out,
even drone-bees got to shout.
Baby got bud.

Sometimes I worry about me.

Funny thing. When I was up in Port Townsend recently, Sir Mix-A-Lot was playing at some local dive. We didn’t go see him, being that there was swing-dancing that night and we’re total swing-dorks, but it might have been worth it for sheer absurdity value. I remember back in the day, I swore by Mix-A-Lot (who swears a lot!). Nowadays, I feel bad for him, but not enough to go see his show in smalltown Washington. What a big fall that is though, huh? Maybe he should have gotten into movies, like Ice-T. Oh look, he had a brief appearance in Meet Wally Sparks. Lucky him. MTV has an interesting, if brief, bio here.

And to think, I always wanted to be swass like him.
But hey, maybe he’ll launch a comeback.
Or end up on a reality show.

Definately one or the other.

humor poetic

Bring Me A Dream

Two of my friends are down in Centralia today, doing some vintage clothes and antique shopping. They decided to go because they had both noticed, seperately, that the shopkeepers at these stores in Centralia are decidedly zombie-esque, and thought they could make a good day of both bargain and zombie hunting.

The names in the story are actually their really zombie-hunting aliases, at least for the day. So in a sense, this is all based on a true story … almost.

Oh, and I just threw in the robot thing to conform to Brief Lies standards. But I think it worked out pretty well. Also, Lee really does drive a Montclair. It’s pretty. On to the story. Enjoy.


Bring me a dream
-Ahniwa Ferrari

Megan looked at the barren town over the rims of her sunglasses, eyeing the shop-fronts warily. A small cloud of dust rose from the street as her partner, D-Rock, pulled the car to a stop alongside the abandoned curb. The door of the Montclair swung open easily, and as she stepped out onto the sidewalk, a gust of wind blew against her face and pulled against the wide brim of her hat. D-Rock swung his door shut and walked up to stand next to her. He held out both hands, offering her a choice between the shotgun and the baseball bat.

“Such a gentleman,” she said, laughing, and took the bat. Today she preferred getting a little down and dirty.

D-Rock lowered his shades and eyed her up and down. Satisfied, he smiled. “Let’s rock this apocalypse.”

Megan gripped the bat, feeling its weight. She smiled back. “Let’s rock it twice.”

Having completed their mantra, they turned to the first antique shop on the street. Though outside the sun was bright like a spaghetti western, through the window the shop looked like it was covered in dusk. Old lamps rested fitfully, clothes hung on rusted wire hangers, and box upon box of old records lined one of the walls. They couldn’t see any movement inside, but that didn’t mean anything. They were used to this gig by now.

D-Rock lined up by the door and Megan stepped in front. As he began to nod to her, her foot was already through the door, cracking the frame and knocking it off one hinge. He raised an eyebrow at her, grinned a little, and pushed it open the rest of the way.

“Not bad for a Viscountess.”

“Yes. Well it’s not all social dancing and finishing school.”

“I guess not. Damn.”

He chuckled as she entered the shop, shook his head slightly, and followed her in, shotgun up and ready as his eyes adjusted to the murky light. They proceeded slowly, eyeing every garment and item suspiciously for movement. Megan sniffed the air, scowling.

“It doesn’t smell like death in here. Something’s wrong.”

“Maybe somebody already came? Did the job?”

“Don’t be daft. We’re the only zombie-hunters in the Northwest right now.”

“What about Dahlia and – oh right … they died.”

“They always were a bit careless. We’re not. Still, I don’t like this.” Megan frowned into the dark, rear of the shop. “This is the Viscountess Megan W. O’Leontiv the Second, and my partner Double Rock Apocalypse. If there are zombies in here, come out so I can knock your fucking heads off.”


“I can’t be a lady all the time. Not in this line of work.”

A sudden movement from behind the counter took them both by surprise. A man bobbed up and down slightly behind the register, the skin on his face half-rotted off. A few broken teeth hung limply from his gums as he opened his mouth and tried to form a word. The only word zombies seemed to know, “B … rrrrrrr … aaaaaiiiiiiiiii … nnnnnnnn … sssssssss.”

D-Rock pumped his shotgun and took aim, but too late. Megan’s bat was a blur as it swung through the air and struck with a sound, slightly metallic “THUNK” against the side of the zombie’s head. The head ripped off from the force, sending wires and bolts flying, and then glass as it crashed through the window and rolled onto the street outside. Sparks sputtered out from the vacuous neck-hole, and metal wires waved about like errant tentacles. Out on the street, the head mumbled another half-hearted “B…rr…a…….iiiii…eeeeeee-” and went silent.

“FUCK! Fucking hell! I knew it smelled wrong, D. It’s one of those fucking amusement park towns, forgotten about and abandoned, and they left all their little gadgets and toys here to rot.”

“So no zombies?”

“Nope. Nobody to zombify. Just a bunch of robots.”

“Well, fuck.”

“You said it. Let’s get out of here. Hey, what are you doing?”

“We’re here, we might as well make the most of it. Hey, check it out, a Chordettes LP.”

“Yeah, great. Bring me a dream. Oh hey, nice shoes …”

humor webcomics

Comicular Hilariousis

Every once in a while, a comic strip comes along and you’re like, “WOW!” And then other times, it’s more like, “OooOoooooh…”.

But sometimes, it’s more like “W-T-F Mate!?

Even so, I say: flippin’ hilarious.

humor poetic

Microfiction #4: A well

Three seems to be the lucky number, when it’s not one like last week. I particularly enjoyed the submissions this week. A giant thanks to everyone who contributed!

Next week’s topic is: Robots

Enjoy the stories. Catch ya next week!


Emily Jindra

“I don’t make wishes,” Lana said matter-of-factly, true to her usual inflection. “My father had a saying. ‘If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.’ My father was a very wise man.”

They passed the fountain that provided the pigeons of the park with a 24-hour birdbath and doubled as a wishing well to the city’s superstitious demographic. Each morning the two women walked past it on their way to work, and Maggie, the younger of the two, would toss in a coin and a tacit supplication to some unknown mystical force. The God of the Wishing Well. “I hate that saying,” she thought to herself on this particular morning, digging her hands into her pockets in the hope that she might make another offering. All she found was lint.

“It’s not like I’m tossing coins into the well and thinking seriously that the hand of fate will retrieve them and cause the wishes to come to fruition. It’s just…” Maggie searched for the words that would justify this frivolous action to her friend. She knew it was a lost cause even before she started to speak, but she tried anyway. Lana was someone who trimmed her fingernails three times a week, counted out a hundred hair brush strokes each night before bed, didn’t play cards, and never drank to excess. Frivolity was not a word in her vernacular. “Haven’t you ever wished that things had gone differently? Haven’t you ever wanted to feel the grass under your bare feet in the dead of winter? Don’t you dream?” Agitation was registering in Maggie’s voice and she cut herself off before she offended her friend.

Lana quickened her pace, pulled her collar close around her neck against the cold, and pursed her lips before making her reply. “No,” she said after a moment’s thought, but it wasn’t a convincing answer. The two walked the rest of the short route in silence.

The question repeated itself in her mind all day at work, like a needle skipping over the same broken record track again and again and again. “Don’t you dream? Don’t you dream? Lana. Lana. Don’t you dream?” The copy machine churned out a rythym that gave a sickening sense of life to this phrase that had taken residence at the front of her consciousness. At five o’clock she put her coat on once again, headed back to her studio apartment, and went to sleep.

When she woke it was past midnight. Lana hadn’t been outside past midnight for ages, but on this night she got up, dressed, and fumbled around in the dark for her purse. Once the bag was found she stepped carefully down the stairs to the front door. When she got to the well she had a coin in hand.

“I…” She looked around to make sure she was alone. The pigeons were her only audience, but her tone was hushed anyway. “I wish that tonight, I would dream.”


The Well
Theo Porter

Jose Cuervo meandered down the side of the road, his thumb in the air. The dusty desert highway rolled out in front of and behind him and on either side tall cacti mocked his desperate hand motions. He knew that he wouldn’t be able to survive another day like this, out on the road with no water. The bandolier he wore around his shoulder was starting to chafe but there was no getting around that. Being hired for a job means seeing it through to the end and there wasn’t any getting out of this one.

His left hand jerked up again at the distant sound of a car engine. He fingered the leather strap that kept his 45 Schofield in its holster around his waist. The car was a candy apple red convertible driven by a luscious brunette who he could barely see in the broiling sunlight as she approached at top speed. It skidded to a full stop on the gravely pavement, missing his knees by mere inches. Without a word, he got in, making sure to keep the edge of his duster over the gun. Together they drove on down the road.

A small village appeared out of nowhere and again, the brunette skidded the car to a stop in the middle of the town. There was no one, anywhere. The town was completely empty and void of life. Tumbleweed blew down the board sidewalk in front of the saloon. Still dying of thirst, Cuervo sauntered over to the town well, lifting the bucket to his lips and taking a draught. He kept his shifty eyes on everything that moved, which wasn’t all that much. He knew this was the place but his target didn’t seem to be anywhere around.

Cuervo knew he’d been shot before the report reached his ears. A sharp pain went through his chest, just below his left shoulder. He knew instantly that his heart had been torn through and wouldn’t work much longer. Taking shallow breaths, he turn, using the lip of the well for support. The brunette was sitting up on the back of the car, a smoking rifle lazily resting in her hands. Cuervo started to laugh.

She stood and hopped out of the car, landing lightly on her feet with a slight bend of the knee. She walked coyly over to the now convulsing cowboy. She grabbed his collar and lifted him to his now useless legs as if he were a feather. His moustache twitched as he smelled her cheap perfume on the dirty wind. She leaned in and kissed him gently on the lips. With that, his body slumped against hers, all of the life draining from it in a pool of blood at his feet. Deftly, the woman toppled Cuervo head over heels into the well and stood with her hands on her hips looking down into the murky blackness. Satisfied he was gone, she turned and drove off into the scorching afternoon heat.


Wishing Well
Ahniwa Ferrari

“Hey, guess what!”

“Didn’t I ask you to stop following me an hour ago? Scram!”

“Where ya goin’?”

“None of your beeswax. Now get lost before I tell mom about how you like to climb around on the roof.”

“No way! I’d get in trouble! Besides, then I’d have to tell her about how I seen you sneak out the window to go kiss Angie near the pond.”

“You don’t sleep enough, ya know? Fine. Just be quiet, okay? You really are a pain.”

“Where we goin? Hey, you never guessed what!”

“Alright. What?”

“Chicken butt!”

“You suck. I swear you were adopted. From aliens.”

“Was not!”

“Whatever. Be quiet. We’re almost there.”



“Hey, what’s that?”

“It’s a well, Einstein.”

“What’s it doing out here in the middle of the woods?”

“Dunno. I think there used to be a house out here or something.”

“Huh. Is this where we were going?”

“We’re here, aren’t we? Now be quiet and pull up the rope.”

“What for? What ya gonna do?”

“I’m goin’ down there, that’s what. Stop asking so many stupid questions.”

“But what’s down there?”

“George Bee told me that it used to be an old bandit hideout, and that they stashed their loot there. But then the cave collapsed on them, and they got caught inside and all suffocated to death.”


“Did you get that rope pulled up yet? Good. You might be worth something after all.”

“You really goin’ down there?”

“Don’t be such a chicken-shit. It’s just a well.”

“But it’s dark! How far down does it go?”

“To the bottom. Duh. I brought a flashlight. Look, it’s rigged so that even you should be able to help lower me down. Just pull and don’t let go.”

“But you didn’t want me to come. How were you gonna get down there without me!?”

“George was supposed to show up. I figured he’d skip out. I bet he’s down near the mill with Angie right now.”

“But I thought –“

“Yeah, well you think too much. Stop it, will ya? Once I find this loot, no way Angie will like that clown more than me. You ready?”

“But what if –“

“Shut up and hold on to the lever. Here I go.”


“Hey Ben? … Ben? … Hey Ben, how ya gonna get back up?”

humor montreal school

Guerilla warfare is for monkeys

And monkeys are awesome, so it’s all good.

I think we all need to do more stuff like this.
Imagine the possibilities.

Tickle-Me Elmos could stop giggling and start screaming “Bad touch! Bad touch!” to teach kids that it’s okay to speak out against their local priest. The Pee-Wee Herman doll could make lewd comments about how much he likes it when you pull his cord. But nothing’s quite as good as a G.I. Joe doll idly wondering, “Will I ever have enough clothes?” Thanks to Kevin for the link.

So I’ve been in absolute la-la land lately. A lot of those “complications” I mentioned in a previous entry have worked themselves out, and I’ve been having a blast. Last night I cooked borscht for the first time, and it actually turned out pretty well! Granted, we cheated a bit and used a food chopper device, which made the beets a little more minced than I would have liked, but the end product was superb. We sucked that down with some red wine and some warm bread, cleansed our pallettes with a raspberry liqueur (which was heavenly, oh my god), and watched a couple movies. Everyone had left after the first movie, and so just the two of us were left to snuggle through Gods and Monsters, which saw us both passed out within a half-hour. So I guess I can’t say I really watched it. But the first half-hour seemed quite interesting!

Something which may surprise some, dismay or anger others. I’ve pretty much decided that if I get accepted to McGill that I’ll defer for a year, during which time I’ll also apply to the University Of Washington’s MLIS program (which I was too late for this year, unfortunately). McGill would be awesome, and Montreal looks fantastic, but ya know … I gotta see about a girl. It’s not an easy decision, and nothing’s written in stone yet, but for now I feel like putting grad school back a year and perhaps not doing it in Montreal is a smaller sacrifice than letting this amazing woman possibly slip away. Hey, it’s a surprise to me too!

As Theo‘s mentioned, tonight we’re going up to Seattle for a bit of club-hopping. They have a deal in Pioneer Square where you can get a club pass (7 clubs) for $12. Not bad! We’re gonna start out with some grubbin’ at The New Orleans, a place I mentioned previously when I went up to Seattle with Christine and met some great swing-dancers, and then the guys are gonna swing over to The Owl ‘N Thistle for to take advantage of their nice dart boards and fine brews. Then who knows what the night may bring. I’ll be sure to let you know.

That’s it for now. I’m gonna go try and write a micro.

And now your moment of zen.


Now with his own laugh track

My dad sent me an email of taglines from Steven Wright. Surprisingly, I hadn’t heard some of them, and some of them are quite hilarious. Hence, listed here for your reading pleasures.

(I was going to pick and choose, but I’m lazy and quite tired today, so I’ll just list all of them.)

1 – I’d kill for a Nobel Peace Prize .

2 – Borrow money from pessimists — they don’t expect it back.

3 – Half the people you know are below average.

4 – 99% of lawyers give the rest a bad name.

5 – 42.7% of all statistics are made up on the spot.

6 – A conscience is what hurts when all your other parts feel so good.

7 – A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory.

8 – If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.

9 – All those who believe in psycho-kinesis, raise my hand.

10 – The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.

11 – I almost had a psychic girlfriend but she left me before we met.

12 – OK, so what’s the speed of dark?

13 – How do you tell when you’re out of invisible ink?

14 – If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.

15 – Depression is merely anger without enthusiasm.

16 – When everything is coming your way, you’re in the wrong lane.

17 – Ambition is a poor excuse for not having enough sense to be lazy.

18 – Hard work pays off in the future, laziness pays off now.

19 – I intend to live forever — so far, so good.

20 – If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends?

21 – Eagles may soar, but weasels don’t get sucked into jet engines.

22 – What happens if you get scared half to death twice?

23 – My mechanic told me, “I couldn’t repair your brakes, so I made your horn louder.”

24 – Why do psychics have to ask you for your name?

25 – If at first you don’t succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried.

26 – A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking.

27 – Experience is something you don’t get until just after you need it.

28 – The hardness of the butter is proportional to the softness of the bread.

29 – To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism; to steal from many is research.

30 – The problem with the gene pool is that there is no lifeguard.

31 – The sooner you fall behind, the more time you’ll have to catch up.

32 – The colder the x-ray table, the more of your body is required to be on it.

33 – Everyone has a photographic memory, some just don’t have film.

dance humor poetic

Deux petits contes en Anglais

If you’re not reading the stories over at Brief Lies, you’re missing out. Some good stuff so far, and we’re just getting rolling. You should all get involved. For ease of access, and because I’d love some creative feedback, or even just little comments, I submit to thee my two stories so far, below. Enjoy!


Tacos aren’t romantic at all
-Ahniwa Ferrari

So last night my roommate’s girlfriend came over and they made tacos and I had some and they were amazing like tacos of divinity or ambrosia or something. So we were sitting around eating our tacos – mmmmmm – and I’d had some ice cream earlier and that was good too but not like a heavenly taco, and I was telling them the story of the Summer of 2000 when I walked across town in a state of pure romantic distress. I was also distressed because I had no tacos, mind you, but also flustered by romance. I like tacos but I don’t find them romantic. They’re sexy though, but I wouldn’t bother buying them champagne or taking them on a moonlit walk on the beach. They’re sexy and I’d just use them and then leave before they woke up, and I wouldn’t be able to respect them anymore afterwards.

So I was walking across town, all the way across, from the west end to downtown and then up the hill to the southeast, to see my friend who’s my roommate now and whose girlfriend made tacos last night – coincidentally he knows this story already – and about halfway there I was like “Well fuck, I’ve walked a lot, and if I turned around I’d have to walk a lot more just to get home, and that’s where I came from so I’ll keep walking forward and get to my friend’s house and then maybe he’ll drive me somewhere and we can have tacos.” So after like another hour or something I made it to his house and he wasn’t in his room asleep like I thought he’d be so I could easily wake him up and make him drive me somewhere. At first I didn’t know where he was and stood outside wondering how I might be able to find a taco at two in the morning walking – I’d be walking, not the taco – and as I was wondering I saw the light flashing in the upstairs window like you see when someone is watching a movie, all blue and the dark and then flash and flash and from outside it seems so bright you wonder how someone could watch it without going blind.

So I’d found my friend, but he was upstairs and I was on the ground outside and I couldn’t just walk in because he was living with his mom at the time and I didn’t want to get shot or hit with a frying pan or have anything else violent happen to me. I warily eyed the fence that ran around the little house and thought that if I could get up on it I would be nearly at eye level with the window upstairs and then I could throw little twigs at the window and get my friend’s attention, because surely he’d prefer my company and tacos to whatever movie he was watching. So I climbed up the fence, and then I fell off but I landed on my feet, and I had to climb up again, which I did. Then I could see my friend, but throwing little twigs at the window didn’t seem to be having any effect. There was a tree that loomed over the fence, and had branches that extended very nearly to the window, so I grabbed a branch and shook it so that it hit the window and made a big motion which my friend wouldn’t be able to miss. And so I guess he was watching a really scary movie and the branch hitting the window on its own – because he couldn’t see me – really freaked him out and he screamed. But then he looked out and he saw me, and we laughed about it and he drove me to Denny’s at three in the morning until five in the morning while we drank coffee and ate food.

But not tacos, because Denny’s sucks and they don’t have tacos, and I was bitter at first but then I got all strung out on coffee and cigarettes and romance and lack of sleep so then I was okay with it, and I had a sandwich instead. Sandwiches are okay, but they aren’t as good as tacos at all.


Dimmer Switch
-Ahniwa Ferrari

Cal leaned against the wall and made an effort not to squint as light danced across the room and fake smoke drifted past his eyes. He’d heard that the parties senior year were bigger and better, but he’d never imagined they included light shows and smoke machines. Still, he knew that to the people who threw these parties image was everything, and the expense was the equivalent of pennies. In any case, he hadn’t come to see fancy special effects. He had a purpose.

Liza was the kind of girl every boy in school had dreams about. She was head cheerleader and valedictorian, and had already spent a year studying in France. She’d come back with a certain savoir faire that made her seem mysterious and unattainable, and an accent that over time had faded until you could only ever hear it when she got very emotional. It was fate’s cruel joke that her locker was right next to Cal’s, but he doubted that she had ever really noticed him.

If you asked someone at school what they thought of Cal, most people would sum his character up in a single, concise word: “Who?” . He wore clothes, ate food, walked about and talked, laughed, smiled and joked with his friends; all in such a way that no-one but his friends were ever inclined to pay him any notice. How he’d ever gotten friends in this state is a mystery, though could most likely be attributed to the fact that they’d been his friends since the third grade, before he’d realized that he was destined to a life of inexorable obscurity. He went about his business like a shadow, was never called on in class, got straight ‘B’s, and avoided school activities or doing anything in which he might stand out like the plague. Even his senior picture in the yearbook had turned out fuzzy, as if he were blurred around the edges; a ghost.

Tonight was different. The dimmer switch of Cal’s personality, halfway down his entire life, was now in the full “On” position. Dressed in a suit, he had a distinct outline, a physical presence that dominated a particular space. His hair, usually a bland brown and neatly parted, seemed to change in the light, one moment wild and the next, keenly sophisticated. His eyes, usually brown, were now hazel and chestnut and cedar, mahogany and driftwood, and they sparkled as they set upon Liza Anne Hartley and never strayed.

Liza had noticed him, too. Noticed, but not recognized, despite having the same lockers for the past four years. She laughed as a friend told a joke, excused herself, and let her feet follow Cal’s gaze across the floor. As she reached him, the music changed from a loud beat to something slow and intimate. She wasn’t used to being shy, but her breath caught in her throat and she was held transfixed by Cal’s presence. It was years of natural social instinct that allowed her to ask, “Would you like to dance?”

Cal smiled, his teeth flashed pearls. His brown eyes engulfed hers, blue, and the music flooded out the world.

As he left the party, all he could think was that if he hurried, then he and his friends could have a good long party themselves before the night was over. He ripped off his tie, threw it out into the night breeze, and grinned as he remembered his response:

“Sorry, I don’t dance with cheerleaders.”

humor poetic

Pugnacious Pundit

Everyday puns to make your friends groan, with apologies.

Q: Would you like a Certs?
A: CERT-ainly!

Q: Want a piece of gum?
A: Hmm, I dunno. I’ll have to chew on that for a minute.

Q: Hey, is that a pirate!?
A: Arrrr! [run them through and steal their booty]

Sorry, I ran out of puns, and wanted to mention pirates.
Okay, okay, and booty. Mmmmmmmm, pirate booty.

Last, and least. A bad joke I made up.

Q: What do you call a freeway that runs underwater?
A: The Otter-bahn.

I hope you’ll all forgive me.

dance humor personal poetic

??? ????? ?????? ? ????? ??????

And today, I blog in Russian! Hahahaha, just kidding.
Not that I wouldn’t, if I could. Though I got plenty of flak
for blogging in French. Please note such hate-filled comments as:
“SQRAWK!” Very Crookshanxian, exhibiting a smoldering inner rage.

So, as usual, I’ve been going dancing a whole lot.
You’d think I might get better from dancing so much, but
I really feel like I’m at a tough plateau right now,
and I haven’t been learning a whole lot of new stuff.
Granted, I’m still having plenty of fun, but I’d really
like to become better at it, for how much time I put in.
Theo and Kandace and I went up to Tacoma last night,
which makes two weeks consecutive now. We’ll probably keep
going up as it’s a lot of fun, and nice to meet a few new people.
The dance space in Tacoma is small, but friendly, and it’s
in a church! Devil’s music no more, I say!
I’m even thinking about going up to Seattle for some dancing,
or lessons. Of course, traffic to Seattle is about a thousand
times worse than traffic to Tacoma, so that may not happen.

Everyone knows about the tsunami by now.
Heather’s blog talks about what it’s like to be there.
You can imagine; not fun. She’s got some interesting pictures.
Google’s set up a good page with links to aid sites,
if you want to help out and donate some moneys.
For what it’s worth, I wish everyone the best over there.
It’s going to be awhile before this is something anyone can
move on from; at least for the people involved. I can’t imagine.

Keri says that my blog needs more sex, drugs, and rock ‘n’ roll.
So, ummmmmm … here you go:

God bless you, thank you, rock ‘n’ roll,
you make my days complete;
from all the sex you’ve given me
to all the shrooms I eat.

And though I now look eighty-two,
though I’m only twenty-four;
still, bless you, thank you, rock ‘n’ roll,
I think I’ll have some more.

With my deepest apologies. Blame Keri.

humor webcomics

Flaming liberals are incendiary

I really try to stay out of political debate. Everyone’s got their opinions, and most of them aren’t going to change. But I ran across this article from The Independent Weekly, and had to post it. I discourage any of my conservative friends from reading it, though I realize you will anyway.

Leaders like G.W. and (yes, it’s a fair comparison) Hitler rise to power by exploiting the support of the weak and stupid, so it’s in their interest to encourage weakness and stupidity. That’s where universal education becomes a threat. Education encourages creative thought. Creative thought empowers people. Fascists hate creative thought. So it’s incredibly convenient for the GOP that you folks actually want your kids to be dumb. Which is why the No Child Left Behind initiative you endorse has, in fact, done nothing! Happy? Perhaps ignorance really is bliss.

On a much, much lighter note, this made me shoot milk out my nose, if I’d been drinking milk, anyway. I mean, what’s lighter than Hello, Kitty? It’s so light, it’s almost gone all the way around to the dark side, really. Oh, and speaking of the dark side…

humor work

Bava is a horror original

Some mad philosphers had a link to this on their message board.
Hilarity ensued.

Googlisms for Bava:
bava is always at his best in chase sequences
bava is at his gruesome “best” as killings are accomplished in every manner possible
bava is to step silently through a mausoleum filled with beautiful corpses
bava is the withholding of the killer’s identity
bava is for you
bava is £21 for uk and eu countries
bava is only concerned with style and the art of murder
bava is scheduled to speak at the economic club luncheon at 11
bava is a mystery to me
bava is credited as the director
bava is teaching students of all ages
bava is a master of light and shadow
bava is the remaining story
bava is no doubt suggesting the ugly reality
bava is a non

Googlisms for Camus:
camus is the existentialist
camus is right to say that life is absurd
camus is the family at the heart of the town
camus is interested in pursuing a third possibility
camus is a cat with attitude
camus is right in this degree
camus is a writer for posterity

Googlisms for Sartre:
sartre is as unfashionable as loon pants
sartre is that there is nowhere to look for guidance about how to use it
sartre is and you will most likely get a frowned look
sartre is having a quick smoke
sartre is wrong
sartre is the cogito
sartre is like going to a shrine
sartre is yet more complicated
sartre is that elusive existential concept of freedom
sartre is a contradiction that may not be overcome

And finally, Googlisms for the library:
the library is on fire
the library is your friend
the library is the whole world
the library is open all night
the library is open to all indiana residents
the library is able to correctly determine that you are in africa
the library is modified by someone else and passed on
the library is actually a number of feet higher than the architect’s original design
the library is not sinking
the library is updating its strategic plan
the library is a garden of ideas
the library is looking for a youth librarian who enjoys
the library is not sinking oh that sinking feeling
the library is destroying thousands of books because it is short of space
the library is giving way to a new era of promise and uncertainty
the library is complete

What’s up with libraries sinking?

My friend Nick has started a blog for his EQII character, Vdou Quel`Anon. Yeah, he’s crazy. If you enjoy roleplay rantings with a little black mage spice, then you might also want to look here.

When I got home from work yesterday, I had a message on the machine from the Tumwater Library. I didn’t manage to get back in touch with them yesterday (I will when I get home today), but if they called, then they hired me (almost positively), so here’s to some premature celebration …


Go me.

humor montreal personal poetic

You mount me so well…

Racy, I know, but I was referring to this.

So I’ve gotten all link-happy, and added quite a few. I seem to have the tendancy to enjoy reading the accounts of Americans in other countries. Should I read something into this? I don’t know. Perhaps proof that I need to move to Montreal, or perhaps just to Canada 2.0. Then I too can be an international blogger. And I can swear in Québécois: Tabarnak! Criss! Caliss! Okay, so I’m fairly limited so far … but I can work on it. Honestly, I don’t even swear very well in English. I generally just swear to add emphasis to a point I’m trying to make, which is really the most mild manner in which one can swear. I’m a failure at true vulgarity. But then, the best part about Québécois swearing is that the words themselves aren’t really vulgar, they’re mostly just adapted from common church words: i.e. Tabarnak just means Tabernacle. Nothing your mother will slap you for saying. In true French swearing, saying things like “Putains de merdes!” can get you into trouble, even in a loud bar … but then, it’s not very polite.

As for les jurés Americains, someone recently told me that the word “fuck” derived from the acronym, “For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge”; which I believed just long enough to tell someone else, and then I thought “…hold on a minute”. It just didn’t seem right. Another urban legend is that the word derives from the acronym, “Fornication Under Consent of the King”. Either explanation is rather enticing, but both are debunked here. Go figure.

humor internet love personal webcomics

You can’t handle the tooth!

Darbey Conley can do amazing things
with four little panels. Be sure to check
out today’s comic if you haven’t.
It’s pure genious; like smores.
Also pure genious: tokyoplastic v.2.

So, waiting by the phone for my big lunch date.
A few butterflies, but mostly a solid calm.
I haven’t even had the date, yet it’s already
been a positive experience for me;
an excellent chance to examine my thoughts,
question my ideals and assess my values.
You know, all that stuff.

There’s a lot still there to learn and
my faith in the beauty of this world is unshakable.

humor personal

Synchronize Me

The word for the week truly must be:

I’m certainly too existential to believe
in pre-determination. Even so,
sometimes things work out in such a way that
I can’t help but feel like there is a path
laid out before me, and that my life is going
precisely according to plan.

Now, of course, if I’m going to buy into this,
the plan life is going according to is my plan,
created by an amalgamamam (woohoo, I so slaughtered that word)
of choices I’ve made, thoughts I’ve had, and
words I’ve slaughtered. Maybe not that last thing, though.

My point was (once): events are unfolding in such
a way that I feel very happy to be where I am,
when I am, and how I am. So much so that I’m even
fairly sure that not getting the Info Center job
is a predicate to my getting something so much better
and fulfilling. For instance … umm, bee-keeping.
Yeah, I wanna keep bees. I wanna keep em, so they
cannot get away. I want to tie them to elastic so that
when they go out and get pollen, they come right back.

[shameless Eddie Izzard rip-off]

All these strange, tangential ideas can be
neatly compacted into one word:


humor personal

Oly-Stop Blues in C ~

Well, the news is:
no second job for me at the Info Center.
I repeat:
I was shot down like a worm in Mexico.
I guess they had four good, internal applicants
they had to choose from, in the end.
It’s too bad, that was really one of the best
interviews I ever gave. All for naught *big sigh* ~
So the search continues, my sign reads:
You have to have an appetite for these sorts of things;
sometimes they’re hard to stomach.
Chew on that one for awhile …
it’s a lot of information to digest.
*cough, cough* I’ll stop now, I promise.


A Brief Jot

I admit, most of the time,
I feel pretty blasé about The Onion.
However, this particular article
I thoroughly enjoyed.

Nation’s Liberals Suffering From Outrage Fatigue

So true.
And hey look, I can code in HTML …
well, sorta.

humor love personal

Familial Support

Thanks so much to all my family for the support they have given me over the past few weeks. I’m very, very blessed in this regard. You’re all super-awesome 🙂

My eyes turn west of late,
I remember a cheesy line from Shanghai Noon:
The Sun may rise in the east,
but this is where it sets.

Even so, westward lies new beginnings,
not an end. My purpose is not clear.
Like the lightning bug,
I do a courtship dance on instinct –
my thunder has always been too quiet,
and now: no need, no need, no need.

I try to contemplate useful things
that I might do if my butt could light up.
Gluteus Maximus Phosphorificus
Hmmm, a handy acronym that sounds like gimp.
I guess I’ll pass, look into more
lucrative super-powers — like,
retractable hair. I’d never have to worry
then about male pattern baldness.

I’m not sure whether I should
envy the lightning bug, or
pity him.
At least for him, courtship is only
a matter of whose butt
glows the brightest.

humor love personal

Two cows are in a field.

Okay, so this is my new, all-time favorite joke: (which I stole from –> Das Jokes — making fun of Germans!)

Two cows are in a field. Suddenly, from behind a bush, a rabbit leaps out and runs away. One cow looks round a bit, eats some grass and then wanders off.

If you can’t appreciate that, then damn you for having a sense of humor!

A message to: YOU!

You came into the house, probably at lunch …
I see you got your new Beastie Boys t-shirt(s) —
and so, in a mad bit of revelry,
ignoring your own cigarettes,
you smoked the ONE (1) !!! cigarette that I had,
which I was going to slowly savor
after a hard day of work.
GUILT!!! Rar.

In other news …

I want you to know that I’m not truly like that,
it’s just that a part of me has (had) been asleep for so long,
that it took a great deal of effort,
a shock blow trial and tribulation,
to wake it up. It’s still groggy,
this part of me, sleepy but restless,
like it knows it’s slept too long.
Don’t quit on me now.
I don’t want to hibernate anymore.
This winter, at least, is over.

I still search the house for you.