I’m convinced that were he alive today,
Al Capone would be a fabulous DJ.
Theo should have gotten his paycheck by Tuesday,
as I did; but as yet it hasn’t arrived.
And we need to pay rent today;
he’s floating some checks with fingers crossed,
while payroll says their hands are tied.
Reading the religion and politics forum on
The Crossroads, I often came across the idea
that the reason people don’t have money is because
they aren’t working for it. To them I say,
“Go read Nickel and Dimed.” These are stories
of people that work their asses off, 40+ hours a week,
and still can’t afford to pay a month’s worth of rent.
People are poor because minimum wage is low,
because server wages drop as low or lower than $1.50 an hour,
because breaking a limb can cripple you financially,
because cars and housing are unaffordable and
mass transit is unavailable, slow or unreliable.
Don’t get me wrong, I think that if people are
unhappy with their lot, they can do something to
change it. However, I think the system, also, needs
to change; and I strongly disagree that poverty is
necessarily a sympton of laziness. My radical, liberal
thought says: “Stop bombing, start fixing things at home.”
But hey, that’s just me. My true colors show.
So, with one gmail invite left;
I leave it here for the first interested
party to acquire. Enjoy.