That is, perhaps, the weirdest expression that I had never, until now, heard. As far as I can tell, in literal translation, it’s like saying no one’s better. But I dunno, those French.
Good things have been happening. My interview on Monday kicked ass, and from what I can tell the people that interviewed me think that I kick ass, so I should finally have another job soon. In the land of health, I am feeling much improved. At my current job, I received a completely unexpected raise of 6%; I’m now making 34% more than I’ve ever made in a previous job (per hour, at least) and that makes me feel vaguely important. (It’s nice to have a feeling of financial progression, at least. It’s as though as I get older I become more valuable to the world. That’s a nice thought.) Other good things, in small arenas. I’ve been particularly enjoying the conversation and company of my friends, lately, both near and far. I feel like Emily and I are on the best terms yet since our break-up, and that the world, in general, is full of beautiful and interesting people.
An interesting note about my interview: the director of the Olympia Timberland Library, who was one of the two interviewers from Olympia (of 6, altogether) attended McGill University, my predetermined escape route to Montreal. She invited me to come down and talk to her about it sometime, which I plan to do soon. I’m excited to know what she thought about the school, and in general it seems like a positive omen.
Spider-Man 2 is now available on DVD, and my roommate Tim picked it up. Arrived home from dancing, we began to watch it last night (after I read Tim my previous, scathing review from having watched it in the theater.) My previous review stands.
Life is good. Today the sun shone,
and I wore the sunglasses of contentment.
A bagel and coffee at Otto’s to start the day,
like we used to do in years past.