montreal news poetic

Second-hand blogger

You can say that someone or something is “going down”, and you can say that it’s “going up in smoke”, but nothing ever seems to “go down in smoke”. Which seems to me a great way to double your threat with little effort. Some camper keep fragging you? Griefer steal your earthworm munch? Save your other, small threats. Tell them they’re “going down in smoke”. That’ll put a shiver in their timbers, if they’ve got timbers to shiv.

But that’s all beside the point.
The point is: Montreal is going down in smoke, literally.

love personal

Bridges never burn

Had a sparkling conversation with Margaret last night, for an hour and a half. The first time we’ve spoken since 2000 or so, though our paths may have crossed once or twice in 2001. Nothing was the same between us after the break-up. For some reason, I was seriously hung-up on her in a major way. I was a different lad, then. Thinking back on it, that fact is obvious, and I’m glad for it. Now, years later, we enjoyed an amusing conversation about the past, present, and future; about dancing, music, movies, Montreal, grad school and careers. And relationships, of course. From the sound of it, after a literal slew of short relationships, she’s settled down quite a bit. Conversely, in my case, one long and serious relationship, and now single and swinging (well, swing-dancing anyway). It was nice to connect again, even briefly over a phone. Time really does heal all wounds, and bridges never really burn.

Last night, my version of courage: “Here’s my number. Give me a call if you want to hang out, anytime.” No exactly a, “So can I get your number so I can call you for hot monkey love?” But, you know, baby steps, baby steps.

cinema dance personal

News to the insta-muse

I’ve rearranged and added some links, most notably four new pulldown menus of news links. This in an effort to stay more informed about the world around me. Ironically, I’ve spent hours on my blog today, and now am left with only a few minutes to post something. Type quickly!

We were to have a swing practice last night to work on our “Tainted Love” routine, but there was a “goings-on” going on where we were to do it, so we moseyed over to Adrian’s house. He’s got space enough to dance, once we moved some furniture, and we did indeed get some practice done, but not much. Mostly we drank beers, ate chips and listened to dance music (not swing). It was fun, in an odd sort of way. Adrian suggested the Brotherhood for some more drinking, as we were getting ready to leave, but I played the “have to work early” card. I was just tired, and drinking all night sounded like the least enjoyable idea ever conceived by man or ape. Arriving home, we started to watch the new release of The 5th Element. I was crashing, though, and fell asleep within the first half-hour. Theo and Kandace snuck upstairs sometime whilst I was snoozing, and when I woke up about half an hour later, it was just Tim and I. I figured he’d be hardcore and stay up and finish it, but he turned it off when I announced my resignation. Oh well, I needed the rest after staying up until five in the morning playing poker the previous night. I won $3 though!

My weekend plans are modest: a haircut, perhaps; a movie or two; add to my music collection; have an interesting conversation. I’d throw in find true love and start a novel, but for the first I’ve come to accept that you almost never find love when you’re looking for it, and for the second I as yet feel I have more important things to do before I can write down a story worth reading. As dry as my blog’s been lately, I doubt a novel written over the weekend would sell for a nickel, even as a pillow. Maybe I need someone to insta-muse me. Yeah … that’d be nice.

dance montreal personal school

Montreal swing

I continued to research graduate schools today for a glorious future of library employment. McGill in Montreal is still at the top of my list, followed in no particular order by: U. of Wisconsin, Madison; Simmons, in Boston; Southern Connecticut State University, in New Haven; U. of Washington, in Seattle; and U. of B.C., Vancouver. Aside from quality of the schools, and really they all seem pretty decent (if they suck they don’t last long), I’ve been focusing on location, and where I want to be. One of the main qualifiers is, you might have guessed, the hepness of the swing-dance scene. And so, in searching, I came across this, which seems very hep indeed. Moving to Montreal scares the shit out of me, but without even ever having been there, I’ve already started to really like the city. No matter what works out in the Fall, I’ve a feeling I’ll end up in Montreal regardless, one way or another.

Last night, abandoned by my usual swing cohorts, I drove up to Tacoma by myself, and had nothing less than a rockin’ good time. Taking smoke breaks alone wasn’t half as much fun, but I managed anyway. I worked on my blues styling a tiny bit (though I still feel woefully inadequate during slower songs), danced with three great dancers I’d never danced with before, chatted with some nice people and got an e-mail address (one step down from a phone #, sure, but hey) to see if some girls want to hook up at McCabe’s next Tuesday for some western swing dancing. As I was leaving, I asked Dave about blues dancing classes, of which I guess there is one (only one *sigh*) up at the Dance Underground next Friday. We’re also working on a new performance routine for V-day to “Tainted Love”, which should be smashing, simply smashing. I suspect we’ll be supposing to practice the performance next Friday, but I may sneak away anyway. I wanna learn me some blues.

On a juicier note, I’ve been getting some major vibe from a very dangerous girl on Tuesday nights. She portrays herself as a bit of a player, and though I’ve no doubt that she’s crafty, I still think she talks a bit bigger than she acts. Even so, she’d probably chew me up and spit me out, which remains tempting all the same. Tempting, but not likely. I wouldn’t mind but for a strange sense of morality that keeps getting in my way. Ah well, probably for the best.

dance personal poetic

Keeping up with the Joneses

No post for days, and now a deluge, as if to lull you into a false sense of security, and then attack you without mercy until to succumb to my twisted demands. Yeah, so when I think of some twisted demands, I’ll let you know. Got the idea here, and it seemed like a fun meme to do. Take the first sentence from the first entry of each month, and that’s your year in review. I may do more than first sentence though, because halfway through this, I realize most of my first sentences are … rather boring. I like to use short sentences.

January: Another busy and weary Sunday.
Sisyphus didn’t think on these things.

February: In Soviet Russia, the dishes do you.

March: Hey look, it’s March!
On a brief side note, I think our kitty may be bulemic.

April: [I was a lazy sot.]

May: [A really lazy sot.]

June: Don’t run away so quickly.
Still. The house air grass wind walls mind fingers time seems still now. Still. Still. Still. Still. Measure out my heartbeat with the word … it is too quick. Measure out my teardrops with the word. They are too plentiful. Drip – Thump – Still – Drop – Tha-thump – Still ——– and so on.

July: I’ve little thought of what I might do once I reach Olympia.
I’d like to think my actions make nice, concentric circles somehow emanate from me, pulsating lily pads and reflecting lines of sunlight. More likely my actions are like the kid who cannonballs at the pool, soaking people who don’t want to get soaked and getting water up my nose in the process.

August: Well-situated. Killer house, well-located.
L’azur, a hint of purple.
Weaver of blue immobilities.
I’ve rowed ‘neath the eyes of floating jails;
I’ve arrived home at last.

September: If that’s all there is, my friend,
then let’s keep dancing….
Swing word-schemes like a jitterbug;
if that’s all there is, my friend,
then let’s cut a rug.

October: In the mornings, I invariably make coffee,
strong, strong coffee; and listen to Diana
Krall sing some great jazz in DTS.

November: Don’t fret the whimsicality of strangers;
songs hummed below the breath
are songs waiting to be sung.
It’s irresponsible to be scared to fall in love.

December: That is, perhaps, the weirdest expression
that I had never, until now, heard.
Life is good. Today the sun shone,
and I wore the sunglasses of contentment.
A bagel and coffee at Otto’s to start the day,
like we used to do in years past.

And that’s my blog-year in review.
And now my blog is a full year old.
Happy Birthday, blog! *sniff*

dance music personal work

Dancin’ the Blues Away

Dancing alot alot alot, and having an absolute blast, I might add. Only nine days in, and I’m already optimistic that 2005 is going to be my favorite year yet. I’m sitting on a high that seems unquenchable and comes from no particular source other than my own contentment with myself and the world. And isn’t that what we all strive for? Of course, I can’t imagine that the year will have no low notes. Particularly, I’m still nervous about the graduate school thing, and where I will end up and how that will go; nervous but it’s not ruined my mood nor will it.

Aside from posting pictures, I haven’t really made any comment on what’s been going on around here since ringing in the New Year. So I’ll start at the beginning.

New Year’s Eve was a blast, but with some sour notes. Most notably (on the blast end, not the sour end), Theo and Kandace hooked up (you may have seen the picture), and they are, to be blunt, an inspiring pair. Seeing the two of them together is kind of like watching two stars click in a romantic film, the chemistry (even transferred through wires and lights) is undeniable, and from the moment they meet you think, “These people need to get married, right now, and live happily ever after. For real.” At first, I was a little jealous, but now I just enjoy hanging out with them, and it’s renewed my faith that there is someone out there with whom I will connect so … perfectly. In any case, I got no lovin’ on New Years (though I was secretly hoping for a New Year’s kiss, to be sure), but I refused to let that put a damper on the beginning of what I was resolved would be a great year. Tim and I walked home from the Eagle’s Bar around 1:30 in the morning. I drank more that night than I think I ever have before, and perhaps ever will again, though I felt okay for the most part, and woke up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. Go me.

Tuesday and Wednesday nights I went dancing, as per usual. I’ve been working on my musicality a lot, trying to dance to the music, match the mood and tempo to my style, play around with pauses, and connect with my partner. I’ve also been managing to teach myself at least one new move every night I go dancing, from watching other people. Nothing fancy, and it’s kind of a frustratingly slow pace to improve at, but I’ll get there in the end. Dancing up in Tacoma on Wednesdays, they like to really slow down the pace a lot near the end of the night, and it’s really made me want to learn some blues dancing. I’d also like to work on some salsa, classic ballroom, tango, and even club-style dancing. Basically, I’ve been a dancing fool and I’m inspired to become ever more of one. In a way, it’s been odd, because I didn’t think I was all that excited about dancing. I think a lot of my new-found interest comes in part from being able to share it with a friend. Having Theo start dancing has made the experience feel more connected to the rest of my life, whereas before it was always something I did that was, for the most part, seperate from everything else in which I was involved. I’ve also been hanging out with the other swing dancers in Olympia quite a bit, and they’re a fun crowd. Aside from dancing, we tend to play a lot of cribbage, and Theo and I have started to get some of them into Pinochle; so in that sense too I feel that dance has become a solid part of my life and relationships, instead of just a strange hobby I have.

Tonight I’m meeting with Emily and Nick, who are running the Swing Club out at Evergreen, to talk about what we want to do this quarter. I helped start the original Evergreen Swing Club back in ’98, so I have some perspective on what works and what doesn’t, and what in particular Evergreen students are looking for in a club. Of course, it may have all changed since then, since that was the height of the swing craze. I think we should still be able to pull in a good crowd, though, even if we don’t get the peak 60-or-so people we got back in the day. Also, they may have me teach every other week, which would be a blast, because I miss teaching swing, and I’ve learned a lot since I was dancing back then. On top of all that, I’ve been vigorously adding to my music collection, including a lot of western swing and rockabilly (among other things) and hope to start DJing brief spots at the dance on Tuesday nights. If it goes well, and I’m into it, I might look into getting my own DJ set-up. I used to DJ a little bit with Lee back in the day, now and again, and always had a great time doing it. If nothing else, I just think it would be fun to mix up the music that people dance to every week.

I worked a lot this week, including three days that went from 9:00 to 6:30. I’d forgotten how exhausting it can be to work a full day, especially when most of it is spent moving around and on your feet. The job at Tumwater is decent, if uninteresting, though I wish so much I could just work full-time at St. Martin’s, which is to date my favorite job ever. But I’m bordering on whining, which isn’t my intention, so I’ll move on.

Last night was a guest-list only party at the Eagle’s Bar, featuring the fabulous DJ talent of a man named Rob. Rob lives in Paris, but he came over here to marry (as in preside over the ceremony) Christine and Damon. When he tried to go back home, he was told that he couldn’t because he didn’t have the proper papers (or something really asinine, along those lines). So he was stuck back in the ‘States, trying to make some money to get the documention and ticket he needed to get back to Paris. Last night’s party was partially a farewell party to Rob, and a collection for him to get back home. He’s flying back on the 20th. Bon Voyage, Rob! Anyway, he’s a kick-awesome DJ, with an awesome collection of swing, blues, jazz, techno, dance, disco, and everything else, including some really great music from France he’s picked up. I’d kill for the man’s music collection. The crowd was a lot smaller than it was on New Year’s, and mostly composed of the swing dance crowd. We had solid swing music from 8-10:30, then slowly moved over to disco, with some swing and salsa thrown in on occassion. Kandace drank a little too much, so I took them home around 12:30, and then drove myself back to the party. It wrapped up shortly after I got back, so a few of us went searching for other venues to dance in. Unfortunately, Olympia closes down pretty early (which has always been a beef of mine with this city), so after 1:00 we were pretty much shit out of luck unless we wanted to pay a cover to get into a club packed full of drunk and horny grinders swaying obnoxiously to too-loud techno and hip-hop. After walking around for a bit, we went back to Jan’s house, had some beers, and played cribbage until about 4:30 in the morning. This morning we woke up early (almost), around 10, and went down to get some good, greasy breakfast at The Place.

art music

You feel the urge to buy art

My other, exhaustive post pretty much catches up to the present day. I just wanted to mention, one more time, that if you buy a print from Clio Chiang before Jan 10th (one and a half days left!) the proceeds will go to the Red Cross to aid the countries suffering from the tsunami. Personally, I think her art is absolutely fantastic. I bought three prints today, and they’re really not that expensive, so I think everyone should follow suit. Go, now, run don’t walk, buy art.

Other random tidbits: Karla is back from her holiday travelings, and has about two-hundred pictures and a slew of words to peruse. Look at the words, read the pictures, or vice versa. She tends to have some fun adventures over there, in various countries.

Due to spambot attacks on his comments, Nick’s blog has moved. The new layout looks very nice, I think. Go on over and say “hi!”.

As I said previously, I’ve been vigorously adding to my music collection. Additions of note have been:

Wanda Jackson, Juana Molina, Dale Hawkins, Charlie Feathers, A Girl Called Eddy, Aqualung, Arcade Fire, Architecture in Helsinki, Damnwells, Devendra Banhart, Dogs Die in Hot Cars, Federico Aubele, Janis Martin, K-Os, Mason Jennings, McLusky, Nellie McKay, Stars, The Fiery Furnaces, The Futureheads, The Good Life, The Thermals, TV on the Radio, and Visqueen. Among other things, all across the spectrum.

Music is great. Really, super, kick-awesome great.

Go music.


This life, manifest

I believe in existence, in balance and in beauty.

These three things above all else.


So many muses, so little rhyme…

Wow, so Penny Arcade’s “Child’s Play” earned $310,000.
That’s astronomical. Good job, guys.

New link: The Webcomics Examiner. It’s only going to be issued quarterly, but right now they have a Best Webcomics of 2004 article up, some I’m going to cut short my blog and go check them out. Most of them are subscription though, which makes baby jesus cry.

music webcomics

Comics and musics and blogs, oh my!

This evening last, from about five o’clock on,
I spent many indelibly delightful hours perusing a
new (to me) webcomic and investigating yet more new musics.
Perhaps now my favoritest webcomic of all time
(right up there with Something Positive!) is:


Questionable Content. It is, simply, ingenious.

And my favorite new musics I found, so far, is Nellie McKay.
She’s a delightful medley of soul, jazz, showtunes and hiphop;
try to rap your brain around that one.

Catchiest, happiest song ever, with a silly flash.

Finally, I’ve linked to a new blog, Lohans’ World.
I discovered Questionable Content through her link,
so just for that she gets mad props.

Reading all 260 (or so) strips of QC in a night, and the joy I derived from it, made me realize how wonderful a good webcomic can be. As such, I’ve decided that I may try one, completely solo, despite the fact that I can’t draw worth snap, just to see how it turns out.

If I do, you’ll be the first to know about it.

Other webcomics I am investigating for permalink worthiness:

  • Able & Baker
  • Instant Classic Entertainment
  • Sam and Fuzzy
  • Scary Go Round
  • Theater Hopper
  • Niego
  • Wigu (and Overcompensating)
  • Fallen
  • Goats: the comic strip
  • Ctrl+Alt+Del
  • Orneryboy

    I’m sure I could find more, but that seems like enough to keep
    me occupied for quite some time, if not … ETERNITY!!!

    Oh, and before I forget, I also linked to,
    which is a blog all about webcomics. How cool is that!?

  • Categories
    music personal poetic

    I’ll finish before I’m done

    The new year’s begun. Hip hip ______!

    My resolutions? Hmmmm …

  • Get good at this dancing thing. Really good. Diversify.
  • Take no day for granted.
  • Write more, more often.
  • Yoga, or some sort of healthiness, consistently.
  • Grad School in the Fall.
  • Enjoy people more, and be more social. Converse.
  • Take mad pictures to document the year with new digicam.
  • Lessen anxiety about big and scary changes.
  • Get my finances back into the green. Pay off debts.
  • Play more music.
  • Explore more music. Maybe DJ at swing, or get a show on KAOS.
  • Be gracious, unceasingly, while remaining conscious of personal needs.

    That’s more than enough, I say. And now, a poem.

    — Fancy That —

    Fancy that, another year has passed,
    hundreds of days gone by leaving
    memories like dust on the sill.
    Fancy that, back in Olympia,
    plotting out a future wrife with adventure;
    oh perilous and exciting days yet to come.
    There are so many tomorrows.
    Fancy that, I still cherish the thought of you,
    though time’s tarnished the picture I brought of you,
    and a crack runs down the frame now
    like a spiderweb, or a bit of lace.
    Fancy that, I thought I might fall in love again,
    so soon; but I did, and her name is:
    the world, each day, the sound of the rain
    dropping gentle like memories into the black.
    Fancy that, plans that precipitate action,
    no distance too great because I’m moving forward
    instead of falling back. I’m out to sea now,
    sail taut pulling into the sunrise and
    the sky’s red and I may never find my way back.
    Fancy that, that fancies change;
    and I’m dancing again, fancying something perfect.
    Because these days pass by so swift that
    I’d be a fool to think I’ll finish before I’m done
    and I think I’d rather share this thing called life.
    Fancy that, another year has come,
    different days and different ways to pass the time;
    and I’ll not look back. I’ll not look back;
    because I fancy that the future
    will be a marvelous place.

    My anthem for 2005: Eels – Mr. E’s Beautiful Blues.

    “Goddamn right it’s a beautiful day.”

  • Categories

    Waiting for midnight

    Want to help aid efforts for the tsunami victims? Don’t feel like you have enough moneys to spare? Buy one of these awesome prints from Clio Chiang. All moneys she gets from prints through Jan 10th go to the Red Cross. And the prints are simply beautiful. Buy eight. I will. She’s also holding an auction on an original piece, profits to go to tsunami relief. A bit more spendy, though.

    Well. Happy New Year, everyone.
    Party like it’s 2005! I love you all.
    See ya next year.

    dance humor personal poetic

    ??? ????? ?????? ? ????? ??????

    And today, I blog in Russian! Hahahaha, just kidding.
    Not that I wouldn’t, if I could. Though I got plenty of flak
    for blogging in French. Please note such hate-filled comments as:
    “SQRAWK!” Very Crookshanxian, exhibiting a smoldering inner rage.

    So, as usual, I’ve been going dancing a whole lot.
    You’d think I might get better from dancing so much, but
    I really feel like I’m at a tough plateau right now,
    and I haven’t been learning a whole lot of new stuff.
    Granted, I’m still having plenty of fun, but I’d really
    like to become better at it, for how much time I put in.
    Theo and Kandace and I went up to Tacoma last night,
    which makes two weeks consecutive now. We’ll probably keep
    going up as it’s a lot of fun, and nice to meet a few new people.
    The dance space in Tacoma is small, but friendly, and it’s
    in a church! Devil’s music no more, I say!
    I’m even thinking about going up to Seattle for some dancing,
    or lessons. Of course, traffic to Seattle is about a thousand
    times worse than traffic to Tacoma, so that may not happen.

    Everyone knows about the tsunami by now.
    Heather’s blog talks about what it’s like to be there.
    You can imagine; not fun. She’s got some interesting pictures.
    Google’s set up a good page with links to aid sites,
    if you want to help out and donate some moneys.
    For what it’s worth, I wish everyone the best over there.
    It’s going to be awhile before this is something anyone can
    move on from; at least for the people involved. I can’t imagine.

    Keri says that my blog needs more sex, drugs, and rock ‘n’ roll.
    So, ummmmmm … here you go:

    God bless you, thank you, rock ‘n’ roll,
    you make my days complete;
    from all the sex you’ve given me
    to all the shrooms I eat.

    And though I now look eighty-two,
    though I’m only twenty-four;
    still, bless you, thank you, rock ‘n’ roll,
    I think I’ll have some more.

    With my deepest apologies. Blame Keri.

    book cinema poetic

    De nos amis des pays étranges

    Beh oui. Aujourd’hui, je bloggerai en Francais. Parce que je peux, même si je ne peux pas très bien. Vous, les Francais et les Canadiennes qui viennent ici, soyez libre de me corriger. Je n’ai pas écrit en Francais depuis longuetemps. Alors …

    J’ai lu une article intéressante à propos de Benoit Charest, le musicien qui a fait le chanson pour Les Triplettes de Belleville. Dans cet article, je le trouvais le plus intéressant que pour le projet prochaîne, Charest peut rencontrer encore avec Sylvain Chomet (le réalisateur de Belleville) pour un ou deux films: The Tale of Despereaux ou/et L’Illusionniste, d’après des scénerios de Jacques Tati. Sur IMDB, Despereaux et un autre film, Barbacoa, étaient annoncé pour Chomet, mais on ne sait pas si Charest va faire la musique ou non. Moi, j’adorait la musique de Belleville, et j’èspere que Charest ferai la musique pour Despereaux, au moins, parce que j’aimais très bien le livre de DiCamillo.

    C’est tout pour aujourd’hui, en Francais. Les accents me fatiguent beaucoup. Les p’tits cons. Je vous laisse à rire; je traduis le Francais en Anglais mieux que j’écris, je le jure.

    book cinema personal

    King Weneseseslaaaas

    Who was that king guy, anyway?

    Watched Love Actually last night. Such a good, nice, warm film, even if it has its sappy and overly romantic bits. I like it. Played some cribbage and went to sleep after reading some Charles de Lint. It’s been many years, but I still remember believing in Santa; lying in bed pretending to sleep, ears straining to hear reindeer bells, or Santa shuffling about under the tree. Without fail, I always feel asleep within an hour (I was an active kid, and so a sleepy one come nighttime). Last night, I fell asleep with a simple feeling of contentment that felt unrufflable. It’s Christmas today, and it’s a good day. That’s enough.

    I wouldn’t normally brag about Christmas loot, except that in this case it’s relative to the blog. My family pooled together and got me a digital camera, which means pictures on the blog! Woo! Woo woo! Yeay! A’ight! Yippee! I desist. You get the idea that I’m excited, non? I plan on getting myself a 1gig flash card, or at least 512MB, so stay tuned for some serious picture mayhem. Rock. On.

    dance personal

    Ain’t got no Christmas blues

    For no particular reason, the holidays always bring me down a little bit. So if I have been neglecting my blogger duties, it’s because I’d rather not piss and whine about a feeling I can’t pinpoint; other than that sometimes, despite being surrounded by the best of friends and family, the universe leaves me feeling very cold and alone. But, you know, I still don’t want to piss and whine, so I’m not going to get into it.

    We had our dance performance for our swing routine on Tuesday night here in Olympia, and then we performed it again last night up in Tacoma. It went well both nights, though I had a different partner each night. Oddly, I think the Tacoma crowd recieved it better than Oly did. But then, it was a smaller group and seemed more close-knit in general. Also, they weren’t expecting anything, so perhaps we just garnered some extra “neat surprise” value. In any case, I’m equally glad and sad that it’s over. December has been the month from hell for my schedule, and I’ll be more than happy when that mellows out and I can live according to some sort of regular schedule (yeah right), but at the same time I think I’ll miss a little bit being this active and busy. But not too much.

    Tomorrow I’ll wake up early, go to the UPS store to send a box to Ohio (don’t worry, it doesn’t tick), and then mosy on up to Port Townsend for a few days to spend time with family. It’ll be quiet, laid back, relaxed; I plan on drinking coffee, reading, going for walks and enjoying some blackberry pie, among other things.

    To all who stop by here occassionally, often, rarely, or never: I wish you a very big gigantic joyously stupendously Merry Christmas (or other preferred holiday). Peace on earth and good will towards everything. Yeay.

    libraries work

    Like a snow day, flipped

    So today was my first full day working at the Tumwater Library. I tried my best not to be nervous about it, but in the end the fear of the unknown and the fear of failure combined their powers, and I shook a bit in the car on the way to work (reminded me of the first day at a new school; or any day in Middle School, for that matter). I started off the day by training with my supervisor in the new Library software we’ll be using, come mid-January. It was a breeze, and killed a few hours. Then I went to lunch at the DQ (yeah, I know, but I’m not supersized yet), and came back with a renewed confidence. The rest of the day was spent shelving, for the most part, and wishing I could stop shelving and just read all the neat books that caught my eye (the torture of working in a library). We closed up at five, and I boogied home to relax. Later I get to go eat some home-made lasagna. MMmMMmmmm … lasagna.

    dance poetic work

    How to dance properly

    Worth a giggle, at least.

    Quote of the day from Contemporary Poetry Review:

    “It is the job of poetry to clean up our word-clogged reality by creating silences around things.” -Stéphane Mallarmé

    And a bit more from Mallarmé:

    “Oui, je sais qu’au lointain de cette nuit, la Terre
    Jette d’un grand éclat l’insolite mystère
    Sous les siècles hideux qui l’obscurcissent moins.”

    Yes, I now know that far into the night the Earth
    Is flinging a strange and mysterious shaft of light whose
    Brilliance will only be increased as the grim centuries pass by.

    Rather uplifting coming from him, I think.

    I’ve been working all week at St. Martin’s. Tomorrow and Saturday, all day at Tumwater. My first full days out there, since working there once, for 5 hours. I’m nervous, yes, but I’m trying to be laid back about it. It’s just a job, after all, and not a particularly difficult one. Even so, shelving books for 8 hours of the day sounds particularly brain-numbing. I wish I could just work the reference desk here full-time. *grumble grumble*

    Swing dancers can get cantankerous, particularly when they’re talking about choreography, and everyone wants it done their way. They seem so fun and pleasant on the outside; who knew?

    I need a day off … or a week. Either way.
    *yawns sleepily and has a daydream about coffee*

    I’d love some comments on yesterday’s story;
    good, bad, long or short, any remarks are lovely.

    dance poetic


    The First Time
    – Ahniwa Ferrari

    I swung by your flat in Charlestown, shuffled about on your stoop before I tap-tap-tapped lightly on your door. My legs were jittery, my heart striking double-beat against my chest (snare on the even beats). The door, swinging open, revealed your face glowing in a soft electric light. We smiled in tandem, shyly hugged as you stepped aside to let me in. I led myself down the hall, turned right into your living room: soft colors and light plush with the stories you’ve spun, hanging in the air like whispers, just loud enough to get an idea, quiet enough to leave a mystery. You made a b-line to the kitchen, came back shortly with refreshments; cookies and milk as though we were in a black and white movie. I’d play Astaire to your Rogers.

    We sat quietly for a moment, unsure of ourselves. I’d never done this before, either.

    “So, is this your first time?” I dipped a bit of cookie into my milk, watched it absorb the white and cold and wet, drew it back before it dissolved and let it melt in my mouth.

    Your hands clasped together, knuckles white, you watched my mundane cookie ritual. You stuttered a bit at first, “Ye… Yes, this is my first time. Is it your first- Oh, that’s a silly question, isn’t it? Of course this isn’t your first time.”

    I finished my cookie and hopped out of my chair, trying to harness my nervous energy for what had to be done. “Actually, my first time teaching, one-on-one … yes.” I motioned for her to join me, standing in the middle of the room.

    She stood up and took my hands as I offered them to her. Unsure where to look, her eyes wandered around until they decided that her feet would be the safest place. “Where do we start?” she asked, never looking up.

    “Don’t look down. Your feet will just distract you.” She brought her head up, looked me in the eyes, smiled slightly. “We’ll start with the basic step; you on your right foot, me on the left, like this: step-step-rockstep. There you go, not bad. Just don’t look down.”

    love personal

    …in a handbasket, “S6 please.”

    Reopening wounds that never really closed.
    Unintentional, true, but it doesn’t make me much
    less of a bastard. I should have known better.

    Walking away each night with tears in my wake.
    It’s no way to live. We try our best not to hurt
    the ones we care for, and in the end, they’re the ones
    we hurt the most; the most open to us, fragile.

    Treat love like a butterfly’s wings: untouched.

    The human dynamic; so complicated.

    Thinking about perspectives. As we grow older,
    we gain more perspective on life. Things that would
    be bombs in our youth are just little raindrops
    as we’ve gained experience. Not to say we don’t have
    our own bombs dropped, now and again, no matter how
    solid and wise we think we’ve become; but they occur less,
    and we can move past them faster. But life can’t be
    all wine and roses. If we’re to gain perspective (which
    is in a sense, just wisdom), we’ve got to have some bombs
    fall in our lives. We have to struggle, and we have to move past.
    Otherwise, we’re just piano stops.