book humor news

Slayers Scuffle Saucily Betwixt Soft Sheets

I’m in an alliterative mood today. Besides, sibilants are sexy.

panel from buffy the vampire slayer season 8

ABC News, among others, is a-huffle
over another Joss Whedon kerfuffle.
“Why can’t he”, they say,
“keep his girls ungay,
or at least make the sex more a-muffled?”

Double-meaning FTW.


The story is interesting itself, of course, especially if you’re a Buffy fan. Perhaps even more interesting are the current 113-odd comments of people calling for censorship and of people responding to the people asking for censorship, telling them that they’re uninformed idiots. Personally, I don’t know what the big issue is. (That was a comic book joke, right there.) BtVS had plenty of steamy moments in the show. In one episode, Buffy almost gets sexed-to-death as she and Riley get it on at a haunted party. Less graphic, but equally blatant in its own right, is when Tara goes down on Willow in the musical episode singing, “Lost in ecstasy / Spread beneath my Willow tree.” The camera pans up, of course, just as Willow begins to levitate over the bed. No, that’s not obvious at all.

So what if Buffy gets a little saucy between the pages. Graphically, it’s nothing worse than what we see on the standard Image comic cover. Even DC and Marvel covers can get pretty racy these days. Ideologically? Well, considering chicks are making out on street corners these days (albeit in Canada) as a form of protest, I’d say that it’s only a matter of time before the taboo gets … well, less taboo.

In the meantime, good for Buffy, and as she so eloquently puts it, “Wow.”

cinema humor

Smart Shows, Post the Second

Last time I could only get to 7. With Nick and Abby’s help, I made it to 10.

Top 10 Tubular Testaments to Wit

  1. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
  2. Firefly
  3. House M.D.
  4. The Simpsons
  5. The Muppet Show
  6. Monty Python’s Flying Circus
  7. Mystery Science Theater Three Thousand (MST3K)
  8. Angel
  9. Mythbusters
  10. Sesame Street

There are some runners-up as well.

cinema humor

Mensa Meme Moxie?

Forgotten television

First, Mensa says “‘Dese TV shows R smart!

Then, Johnny replies, “Yar, where be me Simpsons!? Yar!” (Note that in this story, Johnny is clearly a pirate.)

Finally, I retort, “Guh, I don’t even know if I can list 10 television shows.” Yep, that’s me, always ready with a witty repartee.

I’ll try anyway. My top 10 smart television shows, old and new.

  1. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
  2. Firefly
  3. House M.D.
  4. The Simpsons
  5. Angel
  6. Monty Python’s Flying Circus
  7. Mythbusters

I can only make it to seven, and I almost feel that putting Monty Python on the list is cheating. Then again, Mensa mentioned M*A*S*H, so I don’t feel too bad. That show was awful. And yes, I included three Joss Whedon shows. But that’s because he’s an amazing genius, and his shows show it.

What about you, what’s your favorite “smart” show?